Chapter Twelve

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Caroline Raymond

In the middle of dinner, Ronnie Raymond joined them and they spent rest of the evening talking about science related subjects. After that, two girls went back to Caroline's room and watched 'Midnight Sun', it was super sad but Caroline liked it still.

"Now that you made me cry," Tilly began as she wiped away tears. "Can I know more about this Bart that keeps following you everywhere?"

Caroline nearly choked on the air. "What about Bart?"

"Oh, don't be so silly, you know exactly what I mean."

"Uh, I don't?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, you do. Is Bart the reason you decided to part your ways with Einri? I must say he's the charmer but when did all that happen?" Tilly began rambling and if Caroline didn't chime in, she might never stop.

"Woah, woah, woah, slow down!" Light brown-haired girl raised her hands, indicating to stop. "There's nothing going on between me and Bart. He's my childhood friend and his parents are friends with my parents. That's all."

That seemed to put a stop for now. The girls fell asleep soon and all was well until Caroline woke up from a terrible nightmare. She dreamt that Khione took over in her sleep and harmed Tilly and her parents. When she bolted awake, she quickly looked in the mirror and sighed with relief when there was no sign of her evil alter ego. Her hands were warm too.

Caroline glanced over her shoulder and found Tilly sleeping soundly, snuggling to her fluffy unicorn that she couldn't sleep without. Caroline had one too, a fluffy pink kitten called Biana. Tilly snuggled Mel - The unicorn - closer and changed sides.

Caroline wanted to go back to bed but she didn't feel like sleeping anymore. She checked her phone and found texts from Agnetta and Bexley, both had written something in their group chat. There was another text too, from Bart, replying on her IG story. Caroline had added a photo of her and Tilly smiling in front of the computer screen where Peeta and Katniss from the Hunger Games were seen.

Love both, but I prefer Finnick. He's much more charming. Was what his text said.

Caroline smiled at the screen and texted. Love him too. But I'm a Peeta girl.

Seconds later screen flashed again and Caroline swiftly glanced down to find Bart's text message. Why are you awake?

Bad dreams. You?

I was talking to my best friend, didn't realize how it dawned on me.

Light brown-haired girl smiled again. She debated what to text him next but he was faster, no pun intended.

You're okay, right? No sign of our frosty friend?

Yeap, just okay. The necklace is keeping her locked inside.

When are you going to tell your parents?

Now it took more than few seconds for Caroline to respond. She hadn't thought about it. More like didn't want to think about it. For now, the power-dampener was doing its job and Care didn't have to worry about her alter ego.

Not yet.

You have to tell them at one point. You can't wear that necklace forever.

Why not? Why make them worry about something that can be solved with a power-dampener?

Because it doesn't work that way. What if your necklace breaks? How long are you going to keep making new ones? Don't you want to live without fear of you alter ego taking over?

Bart, if I tell them, they're going to worry and I really don't want that, they have enough on their plate already. Besides, how can anyone help me with making peace with Khione? No one helped my mom; she and Frost fixed their relationship on their own.

Others had their part in it, besides, when will you make peace if you keep wearing that necklace? We need a better solution.

I, not we. But don't worry, I'll make sure Khione will never hit you with ice daggers. Thanks for your help, but I got it from here.

Caroline that's not what I meant.

He typed more but this time Raymond girl was faster. We are not your problem, Bart.

That was the end of it. Caroline put down her phone angrily and hugged her fluffy cat. She knew Bart was right, that she needed better solution and that Khione was a threat to him too but she hated that he treated her like a problem. And she hated that he was always asking about it. She knew he meant good but such actions were why Caroline hadn't told anyone about it. She understood that her mother would react badly, she would be all worried and Frost would try to talk to Khione.

Her life was already a mess. She couldn't add more problems. As long as the necklace kept Khione inside, Caroline would go with the flow but if things backfired, she would take the reins in her hands and make the difficult choice.

Bart West-Allen

Bart knew he messed up with Caroline and he had to fix it immediately but no solution came to his mind. In the end he decided to let her cool down a bit - No pun intended - and then try to win her good graces again.

He really didn't mean to make her mad. He was just being realistic. He couldn't blame Caroline for wanting to stay delusional and pretend as if she didn't have an evil alter ago. All he wanted to do was help her make peace with her other half. Which was not an easy task as he heard how tough it was for Caitlin Snow to remain in harmony with Killer Frost. But in the end, it was the love for each other that made them settle down.

But how did they reach that level? How did Frost come to care about Caitlin and vice versa? Only those two knew answers to those questions and if Bart asked anything, they would get suspicious and Caroline would be busted so what should he do?

Maybe nothing for now and just go with the flow. See how things go on, and interfere if needed.

Plus, he had to find a perfect gift to send it to Janessa in Italy. Her birthday was in a week and Bart still had no idea what to give her.

Maybe Nora could help. But then again his sister and best friend had completely different tastes. He had to figure it out on his own.

When sleep didn't take him, he decided to get up and start his day early.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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