[28]-Should I tell her?

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Hey my lovely readers.

How are you all?

Hope you all are enjoying my book so far.

Also, my book reached 10k reads. Yeppe!!!

So, do you all wish to see both the Sharma brothers together (in real life)?

You all can watch Koffee with Karan, S7 episode 7. Both the brothers can be seen giving interview together.

I didn't even know it but of my constant readers arti_oza told me about it. Thank you so much for letting me know or I for sure would have missed it.

Also, as many of you already know that my previous laptop's hard disk was crashed, hence all the data could not be recovered including the excel that I used to maintain for my readers' birthdays. Sad but that is the reality.

Hence I could not dedicate the chapters to many of my readers and sadly their birthdays has already passed.

I am really very sorry about it but it's a request, please let me know your Birthdays inline so that I can maintain a sheet once again. It would really mean a lot to me.

Also, please listen to the song above, a very underrated song which I think perfectly describes Adarsh's inner turmoil.

Let's begin with the chapter now.

1st draft - 21/06/2022



I woke up to a whiff of the sweet chocolate smell

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I woke up to a whiff of the sweet chocolate smell.

Chocolates! My favorite.

Opening my eyes I sat on the couch with the quilt still wounded around me.

Yawning, I roamed my eyes around just when a sight came into my view, making my eyes widen, ready to come out of the socket any minute.

There he stood, shirtless, his back facing me while he was only wearing track pants.

I just couldn't stop but stare at his chiseled back and flexing muscles while he was working in the kitchen, probably making something.

'Let us just admire his body for a minute before he comes to know that we are practically ogling at him,' my subconscious mind said.

I couldn't agree more with it, so I ogled at him to my heart's content but alas, even if I stare at him for eternity, it wouldn't be enough.

"You know, staring is wrong," he said, his back still facing me.

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