A good news

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I still remember the first day we talked. It was heck of an awkward conversation, at least for me.

Talking to a stranger, sharing my life expectations with you, sharing my thoughts with you, I couldn't even decipher since when we started sharing our days with each other.

I still remember, waiting for your call every day, just so we could share how our respective days went.

From discussing our interests, hobbies to discussing office politics, we have shared uncountable stories with each other, all different from each other.

Until I shared them with you, I didn't even know I had so many stories and thoughts to share with someone, you had made me that comfortable with you.

When I come to think of it, I now notice that you had done the bare minimum I had always expected from a guy, just accept me the way I am.

I still remember how you had gotten worried about a mere video call with your parents and had called me seven times which I hadn't been able to pick up, just to let me know that if I am not that comfortable with video call, you would talk to your parents and would delay it.

All because you were more concerned about my comfort than anything else, even the video call which my parents had promised to your parents.

How could you have been so caring, even when we had just started to talk? 

I was a mere stranger to you and being worried for me, struck a chord in my heart which I didn't even know existed until then.

That was the first day I realized, you are a gem and I would be a fool to let you go.

Our conversations extended from mere fifteen minutes to hours and sometimes, night long.

The first time we saw each other, I don't know if you noticed but had brought a smile on my lips instantly and I still remember, we had talked for hours that night.

You have given me a number of reasons of you liking me, numerous times and had asked the same.

I had tried giving you answer to it numerous times but you have never been satisfied with what I had said, so I will tell you the reason now.

You being caring about each and everything that I go through, even if it is just cough and cold, you thinking about my comfort first than your wishes and desires, you taking care of me like I am a baby, how did I get so lucky?

And then you ask me, what qualities you possess that I liked you?

My dear, my question to you is, what qualities you don't possess that I shouldn't like you?

Caring, compassionate, understanding about my career choices, you want me to list more?

If yes, I can go on and on about how special you make me feel in the little gestures you have shown me till now, like the day our marriage got fixed on 21st October 2022 and you had just held my hands in yours and had said, "You are my queen and I will forever treat you like one."

Thinking about that moment still makes me blush, the way your hands were holding mine, like you were making a silent promise looking dead in my eyes that you would never let me go.

Your sweaty and trembling hands in mine, you were heck nervous, I knew and my comforting lines to you were, "Relax Ankit, it's just me."

That had brought a smile on your face, the most beautiful smile I have ever come across or will ever come across.

I probably can't list out the reason why I said yes to you but then, if I love you for a reason, is it even love?

We love a person for who they are, not for the qualities they possess.

All I can say my dearies is, your author finally found her Akash and if you ask me then yes, Male leads like Akash do exist in real life and I have met him and will get married to him, soon.

An arrange marriage, fixed by our parents but it wouldn't be wrong to say that you have made fall for you and hard.

You have said this to me numerous times and I feel that it's my time to reply to you now.

I love you, to the moon and back AnkitRaj191

And I can't wait for the day I will officially steal your surname and be called 'Shobhana A. Raj."

By the way, how did you like my new name? I know we have had this discussion before that you wouldn't want my surname to change as this has been my identity since my birth.

Relax I won't change my name officially, on documents but at least here, I would love to be called by my new name.

Did you like it?

Even if not, sorry I won't change it.

I can't wait for the day we would meet again and you would tie the locket around my neck yourself which you have gifted me, your first ever gift to me.

I just hope, we meet soon again.

So dearies, your author is finally in love with a gem of a person and is soon to get hitched.

So I hope it's clear now why I took a break?

My would be husband had invaded my mind and I couldn't concentrate on Adarsh.

I still can't coz, well the standards Ankit has set in front of me would even put Akash and Adarsh to shame, he is that gem of a person.

Until next time,

Your very elated and over the moon author

Shobhana A. Raj  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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