[29]-We need you here

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Hey my lovely readers.

How are you all?

Hope you all are enjoying my book so far.

So I have decided that I will go insta live today at 5 PM IST.

Please join it my lovelies, I would really love to meet you all again.

Let's begin with the chapter now.

1st draft - 25/06/2022



I knew what I was asking was something that I shouldn't interfere in but I couldn't help ask it

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I knew what I was asking was something that I shouldn't interfere in but I couldn't help ask it.

The way he was broken yesterday, I am sure something big had happened.

"What happened Adarsh sir?" I asked again.

He said nothing, just stared at me, making me nervous under his gaze.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me anything. I...I am sorry that I asked you," I quickly added.

Coming towards me, he kept his forefinger, thumb under my chin and tilted my head to look at him.

"I can tell you anything and everything Sophia because I know that you will never judge me. Isn't it?" he asked and I nodded my head.

Leaving me, he made his way to the couch and I sat beside him.

Just when he looked at me, I looked at him and I saw something in his eyes that I never wanted to see.

Tears, that is what was glistening in his eyes.

My heart was breaking into million pieces looking at him so vulnerable but then, I knew I had to be patient.

He rarely opened up to anyone and when he is doing so, I do not want to interrupt him.

I knew that he had more foes than friends in this industry, courtesy his position and also the fact that how well he was doing for himself and when he has confined in me to be his friend, I should be patient enough with him.

"You know, nobody knows it yet apart from my family members and you that Akash was supposed to take up the CEO position, right?" he asked and I nodded, not sure where was this conversation going.

"I came across a few files in his bedside table yesterday. Each one of them had a well built plan to establish his own company, his own IT company," he said and my eyes widened.

"Akash sir..wants to open his own company?" I asked.

"Yes, that's what the files say," he said.

"Why did he have to establish his own company when me, our whole family were ready to hand over the position to him and very much looking forward to it?" he asked.

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