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I didn't have any idea about what to do

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I didn't have any idea about what to do.

When I came into her room she was asleep, everything seemed fine from a far but it wasn't when I went near her.

She was asleep and her body was trembling and her breaths were uneven.

'Is she sick?'

She was completely fine in the day, I placed my hand on her forehead and her cheeks to measure her temperature. She was fine but her body was slightly cold and she was sweating.

'Perhaps a nightmare..'



I called her in efforts to wake her up but she didn't. Her trembling was constant. I called her again trying shake her up from sleep.
She showed no signs of waking up even after my several attempts to wake her up. Almost as if she was in a different world.


Suddenly her breathes became laboured and tears formed in her still closed eyes. Just watching her like this gave me unexplainable feelings. I was confused and helpless, not being able to do anything for her and the urge to know what caused her such discomfort.



I was out of patience, her appearance was breaking my heart. I shook her body, holding her from her shoulder. Her frail body shook violently at my actions and I felt my heart skip a beat as the thought that I might've accidentally hurt her crossed my mind.

Fortunately that was not the case, she gasped for air as she came to her senses. I still didn't knew the reason she was like this, and neither did I get a chance to ask about it. She burst into tears the moment she saw me in front of her.

For what reason? I don't know but now was not the time for that.

Her body was trembling like a dry leaf as I collected her in my embrace. At this moment all I could do was stroke her head and back hoping that the actions would be a source of a little comfort for her as she buried her face in my shoulder, her wails growing.

She cried for a long time, untill all the crying drained her of her energy. She fell asleep, more of fainted while  her hand clutching my clothes.Freeing my clothes of her hands reluctantly, I layed her back on her bed.

'Just what in the world had happened? '

Her white skin looked even paler under the faint moonlight. Unlike her bold personality.Her body was frail , her small hands, thin waist and delicate curves made her seem like as if she was made of glass, and I always feared that one careless move of mine and I might break her. I silently cursed the reason that was making her suffer.

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