Chapter 32: Karaoke

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"Are you following me again?" Kieran asked the black-clad man five steps behind him.

Donovan shook his head. "Being a wing-man."

"Wing-man, my foot." Kieran stopped, spun, and planted his hands on his hips. "If you're here as a wing-man, why are you trailing me instead of walking with me?"

Donovan glanced around the crowded street, his young-but-wise eyes honing in on anything suspicious or out of the ordinary. "Keeping an eye out."

"You can do that from next to me, can't you?"


"Then can we please make this less conspicuous?" Kieran dropped his hands off his hips. "Be my friend Donovan instead of my watch-dog Donovan, okay?"

His day had been stressful enough. Not only had Kieran had to face his father, which was always nerve-wracking, but then he returned home to see that Tawny had moved in for the weekend. Or longer. It really depended on her whim.

That's how Kieran found himself on the sidewalk headed for a club, because at least there he could party and forget his troubles for a little while. The downtown strip had the classiest clubs and priciest karaoke bars, so that's where he headed. With his handsome face and Donovan acting as a wing-man, Kieran doubted he would have to pay for drinks at all.

All the better, as it would keep him out of the house longer. Maybe he could pick another target to supplement the money he needed to repay Patrick. Drunk girls tended to make terrible decisions, especially with their money.

Donovan took up a position walking alongside Kieran, which from a distance probably made them look like a pair of models or something. Kieran didn't care, so long as Donovan didn't trail him like a stalker.

"Isn't that your lady friend?" Donovan jutted his chin to a doorway across the street.

The little rich girl? Here? She didn'teven know what a club was, how could she be here? Kieran frowned, but he looked in the direction that Donovan indicated.

Sure enough, Donovan's eagle eyes had been correct. Naomi disappeared through the door to one of those expensive karaoke rooms, trailed closely by some dude with an expensive suit. Kieran had never seen him before, and Naomi definitely hadn't mentioned anything about him.

"Donovan..." Kieran rolled his tongue over his teeth, considering whether or not his next question was a good idea. He finally came to the conclusion that he didn't care what kind of idea it was. He had to know. "How's your singing voice?"

Donovan's only answer was a sneer and a chuckle. He knew as well as Kieran that they weren't going to enter that establishment to sing.

Over the past few weeks, Kieran had learned too much about his little rich target. It had led to a protective streak when it came to her. A streak that reared its ugly head now, begging Kieran to keep an eye out in case something bad would happen. Against his better judgment, Kieran listened.

This particular karaoke bar was on of those with separate rooms, all numbered or named depending on their price. A hunch told him the Suit Man wouldn't settle for anything less than the best, which meant they had probably taken the most expensive room available. Logically, it would be impossible to find which room Naomi had entered, but Kieran knew a number of tricks that served him well over the years.

Kieran stopped at the front counter and shot a grin to the proprietor. "Whatever room is next to the room that pair just took, I want it."

"What?" The woman shook her head. "I'm afraid I don't understand..."

Donovan wordlessly slid a credit card across the counter.

The woman arched her brows and finally gave a nod. "Yeah, sure, whatever." She slid the card through the machine, handed it back to Donovan, and pointed down the hall. "You'll be in The Miranda Room."

Weird name for a karaoke room, but whatever. Kieran didn't care about the name or number. He cared only about one thing: figuring out why the heck Naomi showed up at aplace like this.

At least with Naomi in his life, nothing ever bored him.

Kieran entered The Miranda Room while Donovan lingered in the hall to scope out where Naomi and The Suit Man had gone.

The grim look on Donovan's face when he came back should have concerned Kieran, but Kieran knew better than most that Donovan rarely made any other expression.

"What is it?" Kieran asked, scrolling through the ridiculous amount of songs available to them.

Donovan pointed at the wall behind Kieran. "They're in there."

"Really?" Kieran dropped the tablet on the table and rolled onto his knees to press his ear to the wall.

Nothing but a dull bass beat greeted him. Great. This place had actually soundproofed their rooms.

Donovan folded his arms across his chest. "I won't lie to you, they seemed pretty chummy. You think he's a boyfriend?"

"Trust me, that girl has never had a boyfriend in her life."

Whoever The Suit Man was, he wasn't a boyfriend. If Naomi had ever had a boyfriend, she wouldn't tense up with Kieran's close proximity. She wouldn't look surprised when he told her she was beautiful. Naive, innocent Naomi had clearly never been the center of a man's affections.

Kieran stood to his feet, only to pace the room a few times. If they couldn't hear or see them from this room, what could they do? Kieran needed to know, not because he had any claim over Naomi, but because he had come to realize how simple and optimistic her view of the world was. He couldn't let anyone take advantage of that.

"You want me to get rid of him?" Donovan asked, dead-pan.

Kieran considered it. Then decided against it. Getting rid of The Suit Man would make Kieran seem like a petty, jealous boyfriend. Which he wasn't. No jealousy whatsoever. He wanted Naomi to be safe, that's all.

"I have a better idea."

Donovan took his hat off, scooped his fingers through his hair, and returned his hat to his head. "It doesn't involve anything weird, does it?"

"You know me better than that." Kieran scoffed, disappointed in Donovan's impression of him. They had been friends long enough that Donovan should know.

Donovan sighed. "Alright. What's your idea?"

"How are your acting skills?"

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