Chapter 15

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"Rachel," I heard a soft voice beside me as a light hand touched my back. "You have to get up. They are back. Damian and Conner are back."

I opened my eyes as the words registered in my mind. "What? Really?" I couldn't keep the excitement out of my voice.

"A maid just said they were spotted by the border and should be here within the hour," Donna nods as I sit up. "We have to hurry and get ready."

"I am ready," I shake my head in disagreement.

"Your dress got wrinkled while you slept," Donna explained, making me look down at my wrinkled dress.

"Oh," I nod in agreement with her idea.

"I will pick something out. You need to brush through your hair." Donna said as she went over to my closet. I stood up and grabbed my comb, brushing all the stray hairs away.

Once I was finished, Donna came out with a lavender-colored dress. I smiled as she handed it to me. I put it on, trying to be fast because I wanted to be there to greet Damian as he returned home.

Donna got changed into a deep red dress, that looked stunning on her. She wrapped her hair into a perfect bun and then started to braid my hair back so it was out of the way.

    I finished getting ready and then we headed for the door with excitement. The guards seemed to be shocked by our sudden arrival because they had to ready themselves into stance before escorting us to the main entrance of the castle.

    "This way, ladies," the female guard spoke as the two males help open the doors for us. Kori and Beta Greyson were already waiting at the door for us when we arrived.

    "Hello," Kori smiled and hugged us both.

    "Hi," Donna smiled.

    "You two were not at breakfast this morning," Kori looked at us with a worried expression. "Is everything alright?"

    "I didn't sleep well last night," I spoke up. "Donna stayed with me and read a book so I could catch up on some sleep."

    "Are you feeling better now?" Kori looked at me like a mother would look at her sick child.

    "Yes," I nod, actually feeling better now that I know Damian is returning. The second I heard the news, all my worries floated away and I became excited to see him.

    "Good," Kori nods.

    Donna grabs my hand and pulls me aside to speak as Kori and Greyson discuss the details of their arrival.

    "Conner says he is about a half an hour out from here," Donna smiles uncontrollably, and soon I am doing the same. Our mates are coming home. I already feel much better than I did this morning.

    "Did he mind-link you?" I ask.

    "Yes," she nods. "He also says that he misses me.

    "Awe," I gush.

    "This is why you need to complete the bond," Donna shakes my arm. "Then you and Damian can flirt all you want and he can tell you when he is coming home. Imagine how cute that would be?"

    "I..." I paused and my smile fell. "I want to, you know that, but..."

    "When the time is right, you will know," she pats my shoulder and gives me a small side-hug.

    We wait another twenty or so minutes before King Bruce arrives and stands beside his beta. There is nothing said out loud, but you can see Greyson and Wayne talking through mind-linking.

    As time goes by I become more anxious to see Damian, but I try to remain calm because part of me knew this is all the mate bond that is making me so nervous. Donna is giddy with excitement, but I try to remain calm as I don't want to seem too eager.

    "Sir," A guard came forward. "They are at the gates now."

    "Very good," Bruce nods away from the guard.

    "Prepare food and water for the men," Greyson orders the staff. "They shall want meals, showers, and beds. Have those things ready for their return."

    The staff starts to run around like chickens with their heads cut off as they try and get everything ready. I remember how it felt when I was doing that, so I sympathize with these people.

    "Hey," Donna grabs my hand as she notices my mood change. "You alright?"

    "Yeah," I nod. "Just fine."

    "Good," she nods and I can start to hear the horses moving closer. "They are almost here."

    "Exciting?" Kori comes over and smiles. "I am sure you two have missed your mates greatly. They will be tired, but the best thing for them is to be with you."

    "Thanks," Donna smiles.

    Just then the horses appear from the trees and Damian and Conner are leading. Damian looks dirty and I could smell the blood from here. My stomach dropped and I stepped back slightly.

    "It is alright," Donna whispered. "This was expected, remember?"

    "Yeah," I nod and try to get the thought out of my mind.

    I look back and Damian's eyes are now on me. I give a small smile as he nears. He dismounts his horse and walks over to his father, only looking away once he reached his destination.

    "Father," Damian greeted.

    "Damian," Bruce nods. "How did it go?"

    "Luther's pack has now been succeeded by a new Alpha," Damian said as if he had no emotions. "This time under someone we can trust."

    "Very good. I assume you have your mission log?" Bruce asks.

    "Here," Damian pulls out a file and hands it to his father. "All the notes are inside."

    "Very good," Bruce nods. "Go get some food and rest. You shall have the next few days off to regain your sleep and recover."

    "Thank you father," Damian bows his head and walks over.

    "Damian," I whisper his name as he walks past me.

    "Not now," Damian shakes his head and walks inside.

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