Chapter 32

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"No, no, no! You must be joking!" Ariel slammed the table, while staring at the man in the suit.

The man was clearly unhappy with Ariel's shouting that he lets out a heavy sigh.

"I'm a license registrar, so you two are officially married." said the old man, his voice was firm.


Ariel turned to get Ryo's support but his friend also was in shocked that he completely speechless. "Undo it! We cannot get married!"

The old man scoffed. His glare towards Ariel is like an Eagle, trying to prey on its victim. "You must be kidding me!" said the old man in rage. "I got long day of youngsters like you two, trying to tie the knot to save some budgets. Some because of their families against them. And God knows, I had a pregnant lady who just broke her water while reciting the vows. And you telling me to undo it?!"

Ariel was silenced with the angry tones from the man. The old man slumped back to his chair, take off his glasses and sighed deeply. He was clearly tired from the long day. After taking few deep breathe, he looked at them.

"Why you two wanted to get married if you just going to cancel it?" asked the man. He has cool down a bit.

"We are not coming here to get married. We just want to get the lease for the store for my father." explained Ariel. He was about to turn into frantic mode. Ryo who heard the word 'father' coming out from Ariel's mouth, turned his head to look at Ariel.

"Are you dumb? Can't you read the sign?" said the old man.

Ariel frowned. "I couldn't see the sign due to the long line before. And your receptionist is also not really friendly." said Ariel. He was annoyed with the old man.

"But you could ask around." said the old man cynically.

Ariel was about to jump forward and grab the old man's collar but Ryo weighed in. "What should we do? Obviously this is just a misunderstanding."

The old man sighed. "You have to wait 14 days."

"We can't wait that long!" argued Ariel. The old man glared at him.

"Yes you can. And I was generous enough to give you the days even if it is your fault for being neglectful."scolded the old man.

"I am not!"

The old man ignored Ariel and turned his gaze towards Ryo. "After two weeks, you two have to come in here and fill in the form."

The old man shushed them out of their room without they can respond to his statement. Reluctantly, Ryo and Ariel get their marriage certificate later from the lady.

Ue noticed something was off with Ariel and Ryo at the dining table. They are both eating their meal half heartedly and spend most of the times sighing and stared at the food. Ue thought it was her food that are not tasty enough but Hoshi already in his second bowl of rice.

"Something's wrong?" asked Ue as she could stand it anymore.

Ariel shook his head in denial. "Nothing. I just lost my appetite." said Ariel.

Ue immediately raised her hand and bring it to Ariel's forehead. "Are you having fever? Your face was red when you came back."

She touched Ariel's forehead gently. "You are burning up!" exclaimed Ue in shock.

"I told you to wear hat in this sunny day."Ue started to nag.

Ariel who already lost his appetite put down his spoon. "I'm done." said Ariel.

"Go lay down on the bed. I'll bring you medicine." instructed Ue.

"No need. I'm going home." said Ariel stubbornly. He tried to stand up but he was wobbly. With his quick instinct, Ryo catch him right away which makes Ariel startled.

"I'm sorry." said Ryo. He let go of his hands.

Ue stood up and dragged Ariel into his 'room'. From the hall, they can hear she nag at Ariel to lay down. Hoshi realised something was not right with both of them so he asked Ryo, "Something happened to both of you?"

Ryo was flustering. He couldn't risk for Hoshi to find out about their accidental marriage. Hoshi already treat Ariel as his daughter. Ryo could only imagine he would be killed by Hoshi if he knew Ryo married his 'daughter'.

"N-nothing." said Ryo as he quickly shoves big spoon of rice into his mouth. Hoshi was not satisfied with his answer but he chose not to ask further.

After he finished eating, Ryo politely asked to be excused. He thanked Ue and Hoshi for letting Ariel to stay the night at their house. Truth is, he just doesn't want to spend their 'first night' at the house. Especially now that he sees Ariel as a man lesser day by day.

Ariel was too tired that he fell asleep for few hours. The moment he woke up, it was midnight. It was dark and everyone has gone to bed. He took out the phone, trying to read any notifications he missed only to realize there were none. Ariel sighed as he slumped back to the bed. Ryo must had gotten mad at him for that accident to happen. If only he didn't force him to go to the district office.

He heard Morae coughing at the room besides him. He knew she was placed there. Ariel decided to go inside her room to see whether she is still awakes.

"Just come inside." said Morae as she saw the eyes peeping from the small crack between the door and the wall.

Ariel makes his way silently into the room. Morae's room was dim with the help of a candle lit on top of a dresser.

"You are not sleeping yet." said Ariel as he sits down besides the bed.

"I had plenty of sleep during the day. What about you?" asked Morae. She stared at Ariel who was pale. She heard before that he has a fever.

"I just woke up." said Ariel.

"Something bothering you?" asked Morae as she was concerned with the young man's problem. He was clearly unable to hide his expression.

Ariel took a while to answer. He then lifted up his face and looked at Morae.

"That day, I had changed back for few seconds.  After I was feeling excited about someone."Ariel told her.


Ariel shook his head. "No. Rita." Ariel scrunched his eyebrows together as Morae thought it was Ryo that makes him changed back.

Morae smiled. "What will you do if you can turn back into a man?" asked Morae.

Ariel wanted to answer her by saying he can go back to his normal life. But his heart felt heavy. Truth is, he lost his job and his place. All he is doing now is depending on Ryo. Ariel sighed. The more he thinks, the more painful his head feels.

"I-i don't know." said Ariel. He gets up and wanted to leave the room.

Before he was out, Morae stopped him with her words, "I might be evil for turning you into a woman but there is always silver lining for everything that happened."

Ariel turned around. He held onto the door to avoid from him collapsing to the floor as he was feeling dizzy.

Morae continued, "You are not the first one but you are the last. Think about what you really wanted in life."

Ariel was too weak to think about what does Morae meant by that. He slowly walks into his room and lay down. Soon, he was falling asleep again.

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