Live it up While We're Young

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"This gives us a reason to party, so let's get fucked up!"

Everyone had piled into the car and headed to the Gallagher's.  The music was already playing and people were filing in and out of the house, "Uh, Fi-" Elliot started "I thought this was supposed to be a small get together, who the hell are all these people?" He questioned.  Fiona shrugged and shook her head, also unsure why there were so many people in her home.  "Hey, the more the merrier, you guys just bailed me out, so go big or go home!" Carl exclaimed, the paused for a second "Or... go big in our home?  What the fuck- you know who the hell cares, lets just get in there before everyone is having more fun than me." He said hopping out of the car just as it came to a complete stop.

Elliot shook his head as he got out of the car, the music getting louder and louder as he approached the house after his boyfriend.  By the time he got inside he could barely hear himself think.  He found Carl pouring them drinks in the kitchen, not bothering to mix it with anything.  Carl liked the burn of the alcohol in his throat as it went down, he assumed everyone did.  He used to think that's why people drank, because they liked the taste.  Elliot differed from him in that sense, but he had started drinking enough that the burn had become tolerable.  Well, at least once he got buzzed.  Carl handed him a cup as he started to gulp down the contents of his own.

Elliot downed as much as he could, giving himself a slight coughing fit after he swallowed.  His face scrunched at the feeling "Christ Gallagher, should I be worried that you drugged me?" he joked.  Carl stepped closer to him and leaned into his ear, "You and I both know I have much easier ways of getting in your pants," he murmured with a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth as he stepped away.  Elliot had to catch his breath for a moment as Carl walked into the living room.  "Fuck" he muttered under his breath as he took a few more gulps of the absolute poison in his cup.  He thought to himself as he followed suit into the other room 'I might black out if I drink anymore of this shit'.  

He looked around the room, spotting some familiar faces, but mostly just Carl's siblings, everyone else was new to him.  That was until a beautiful mess of hair walked into the door.  It was swept away by a soft, perfectly manicured hand, revealing the pretty face underneath, Emily.  How did she even find out about the party so quick?  Even though they were on good terms, just the sight of her made his stomach flip and bubble with anxiety, but before he thoughts could start racing Carl ran up to her.  He picked her up in a hug "You made it!" he shouted over the music.

Carl ushered Emily over to Elliot, so he gave her a quick hug.  But, when he went to pull away she squeezed a little tighter before letting him go.  "I'm sorry that you guys had to go through that.  High school is bullshit anyways," she said giving him a soft smile and a small pat on the arm.  "Anyway, how about we get shit faced and forget about all of it?  I see you two are ahead of the game, but I can catch up pretty quick," She smiled as she lead herself to the kitchen, preparing her own drink.

As the night went on everything got fuzzy, the music faded into the background, and the crowd dwindled.  There was just a small buzz of slurred conversations between those who were still there.  At some point in time weed and a few other substances were introduced into the mix, leaving most of the guests incoherent.  Surprisingly, Carl seemed to be the most sober out of everyone.  Elliot on the other hand could barely stand.  He leaned and melted into Carl for support as the other boy wrapped his arms around him.  They stayed there, Carl holding his partner as they swayed gently to the music, even though it wasn't a slow song.  Elliot focused on the other's heartbeat, humming to himself softly.  

Carl lead Elliot to the couch and sat him down "I'm going to get another drink, holler if you need me, okay?" he told the boy, giving him a kiss on the cheek.  Elliot just responded with a cheesy smile and a soft 'okay' as he watched his love walk away.  He'd be lying to himself if he said he wasn't checking out Carl's ass.  "Hate to see him... go- leav- fuck... Love to watch his ass?" he murmured to himself, forgetting the phrase he was looking for.  Emily chuckled from behind him, making him turn his head around a little too quickly.  His hand held his forehead as he looked up at her "Woah there sailor, careful" she said ruffling his hair softly before walking around the couch and sitting with him.  "Are you going to be alright?" she asked taking in his inebriated state.  

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