Can I Stay a While?

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Possible TW! Drug and alcohol use!

A/N- As much as I'd love to keep giving TW's, they're going to be very frequent, and its in the description of the story, so this will be the last one!  Also if you watch Shameless, you shouldn't be that bothered by any of this.  Also, I have a lot planned for this chapter, so it'll probably be a little longer.  Thanks for reading!

I walk up "Can I fucking help you?" I ask the stranger on my porch, and in return Carl Gallagher's pale eyes looking back at me.

He looked so heartbroken, desperate, so... He looked so sad.  His eyes were slightly bloodshot, but not like the normal 'he is high' bloodshot, like a 'he was crying' bloodshot.  But, Carl Gallagher doesn't cry.  Carl Gallagher is the city fuck-boy who landed a beautiful mixed girl who honestly doesn't deserve him.  Thinking about it now, him and Dom have been really on and off lately, I completely forgot they were a thing at all.  "Eliott?  You there dude?"  I had completely zoned out thinking about all of that.  "Oh- Uh, yeah, sorry." I apologize like I do for everything.  "Its fine.  Like I was saying, Frank's back at home, and Dom and I broke up for good.  Dude, there is so much happening, and I don't know what to do.." He paused "I really need your help, can I stay here with you for a while?".  Hm, Carl Gallagher, the boy I like, living with me?  I mean, why the fuck not, what's going to happen next?  Him admitting he's just head over heals for me the way I am for him? "Of course dude" I tell him, putting out my hand to help him up.

We walked inside and down into the basement which was also my room.  I looked like a stoner's room, and kinda smelled like it too.  There were LED lights instead of actual ones, and it was kind of messy.  I guess I could be classified as a stoner, but this is just how I like things.  Carl set down a duffel bag, which I assume has his clothes and stuff, and he sat on my bed.  He was comfortable here since we've been friends for so long and he's been here so much.  I started changing, being decently comfortable in front of him, but its just a little weird now that I like him.  Once I pulled a t-shirt on and sat on my bed he looked at me, then past me at the shelf on my headboard.  I stared at him as he starting leaning closer and closer, but then my heart dropped as his arm moved past me and I knew exactly what he was going for.  I kept all my hitters, bowls, and shit in a cabinet attached to my headboard.  "One of those times huh?" I asked as he pulls out a lighter and a joint from one of the many baggies.  I watched closely as he placed the joint between his soft, full lips.  I stopped my mind before I let it wonder any farther.  He lit it, and breathed in long and deep taking a hit, and holding his breath as he offered it to me.  I took it gratefully and did the same.  I exhaled after him, and handed it back.  "Wanna get cross faded?" I look over as he takes another hit from the joint, smiling and nodding.

I got up and walked upstairs quickly.  Only then did I let any thoughts of him in.  Its just weird if I'm in the same room as him since he's right there.  I grabbed a few bottles of various alcohol and two cups, even though I know we wouldn't be using them.  I went back downstairs and set the bottles down as he handed me the joint.  He picked a bottle, and quickly took off the top taking a quick drink and shaking his head after it goes down.  We pass the joint back and forth until its done, and just keep drinking.  We lay down next to each other sideways on my queen bed, and look up at the ceiling.  I still have those stupid glow in the dark stars, but they look pretty cool right now, so I'll let it pass.  I felt the bed move as Carl sat up.  Damn, he's attractive from every angle.  "Eliott?"  I sat up and looked at him.  "I don't know when it happened, but I fell out of love with Dom.. And, I don't really feel anything with ANY girl now.  I don't know what it is."  He started.  He was always talkative and shit when we hang out like this.  He turned his whole body to face me, so I did the same.  The LED lights had been set to a pale blue-white color, and he looked heavenly like this.  I fantasize about us, but he snaps me out of it.  "Can I try, something?" He asked me.  This was an odd, and kind of scary thing, but I nodded anyway.  He took another swig from one of the bottles and took a deep breath.  He looked into my eyes, his hands slowly reaching for my face.  When they got there, he cupped my face in his soft yet strong hands.  They were slightly cold, as I got goosebumps, but I raise my right hand to touch his.

I watched his eyes as they darted between my lips and my eyes.  Is he really doing this?  Is this actually happening?  This has to be the weed and alcohol fucking with me.  He started leaning in, so did I.  With less than an inch between us, we both slowly closed our eyes and quickly closed the space.  I felt this sort of electricity, and flutters in my stomach as he kissed me.  He pulled away "Oh shit... I uh, look, I am not gay, and I know you aren't either, but I just..." he tried explaining as his cheeks got darker.  "Stop, it- its okay" I say slowly laying my hand on his leg.  He looks up at me, and before I know it, he pushes me down on the bed.  He looks down at me, his hands right above my shoulder as he goes in for another kiss.  We quickly get into a heated make-out.  He disconnects our lips and starts kissing on my neck.  Kissing evolved into something a little harsher as I felt him sucking on parts of my neck, leaving red and purple-ish marks.  He looked back up at me, kissing me again.  The weirdest part is this isn't a dream, or some fantasy, or thought.  This was happening.

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