Fine Written All Over You

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I was still holding Carl, and now I didn't want to let go..

The officer and principal walked up to Carl and I, they looked past Carl to me expecting me to let go of him.  I sighed as Carl murmured to me "I'll be okay" and I reluctantly let him go.  I watched as the officer cuffed him, handling him like a dangerous criminal.  It hurt to watch because they didn't know the story.  They will probably side with the Milkovich since Carl started it.  The principal looked at me and I knew exactly what was happening before he even said anything.  I rolled my eyes and shook my head as I turn in the direction of his office.  He'd have to file a report about this.  He'd speak to Tucker once he got out of the hospital.  We all knew he'd be fine, but they took him anyway.  

Once we got to the principal's office I sat down and looked forward to his desk, waiting for him to do the same.  Once he finally sat he looked at me and sighed "Mr. Johnson, I feel like I see you in that seat a bit too often," he started earning a scoff.  "Although not for anything quite this bad, so may I ask what happened?" His voice was calm so not to set off the anxious teen.


It didn't take long for Elliot to spill the entire story making sure the principal knew it was well deserved, but also making sure it was clear that Carl had  started the fight to make things easier.  It was after school, but Carl was still at the police station.  The officers there had a habit of keeping Gallagher's as long as possible to see if they could dig anything else up while they're there.  Elliot went straight to the Gallaghers' house, knowing Fiona was already freaking out.  There they waited, they weren't allowed to come pick Carl up until 5pm.  It was 4:30 and time was going by excruciatingly slow.  There were mixed reactions from the family, but the only people really worried were Fi and Elliot.

I checked my watch again and I swear time was moving backwards.  On the bright side there is only about 15 minutes until 5, so we can get ready and leave in a few.  I just want to make sure they didn't pull any bullshit and charge with anything stupid.  Debby came down and gently rubbed my shoulder trying to comfort me as Fiona went to go change.  My leg was bouncing as if to shake the thoughts from my head as I imagine Carl in an interrogation room.  Surprisingly about 5 minutes had passed while I was caught up in my thoughts.  I was shaken out of it by Fi when she came back downstairs and said we could go now.

It was a short ride to the station, which only took as long as it did because as much as we wanted to get Carl home we didn't want to arrive early.  Once we got there my anxiety spiked, so I tried to calm myself as we got to the car.  Only Fiona, Lip, and I went to get him, so Debs and Ian busied themselves with putting up a few decorations and making a celebration out of it.  That's when it hit me that none of them knew why Carl got in the fight; besides maybe Ian if he put it together.  They don't usually tell you why your kid did what they did to get arrested or suspended, they just tell you it happened, then it's on the kid to explain.  Fiona was the first to walk in as she rushed to the front desk and explained why we came.  The lady at the desk looked past her to myself and Lip who waved a small hello.

I stopped paying attention to everything when I heard a door open and saw Carl walking through it.  They had him cuffed still, but I saw his eyes light and the corners of his mouth perk up when he saw me.  That made me feel good, he was happy to see me, and I was beyond excited to know he was okay.  As they uncuffed him we were both quickly consumed in the moment as I dashed to him, feeling his embrace around me as I squeezed him tightly.  It felt as if we were the only two people that existed in that moment.  I pulled back slightly from our hug "Are you a ticket, because you have fine written all over you" I joked earning a chuckle as I leaned in and we gently kissed.  He smiled softly at me "You're a dork."  It wasn't until we finally calmed down and felt secure that we both realized Lip and Fiona had seen the whole thing.  We slyly looked at each other and tried to play it off as Carl walked up hugging the other two.

We exited the station and climbed into the car, but Lip and Fi immediately turned around and looked at us.  "How long?" Lip asked.  We looked at each other and shrugged "Not that long, just over the weekend" Carl muttered a reply.  Fi's turn "And why didn't you tell us?  You know we wouldn't judge you" She asked, slightly concerned thinking that Carl was scared.  I looked to him knowing he could answer them best.  He responded to her with a shrug "I don't know, it all happened so fast that I wasn't really ready to tell you guys yet.  But, after talking with  Ian last night I decided I would tell you soon.." He continued.  A soft sigh and eye roll came from the older two.  Of course he would talk to Ian first.  "Well, as long as you two are happy, and don't fuck in my bed, I'm happy" Lip said with a chuckle as he reached over and rustled Carl's hair.

Fiona started the car and began their drive home.  Elliot and Carl interlaced their fingers, feeling content and free with Carl's family knowing.  The drive back didn't take long, and they were greeted with a little congratulations sign since this was Carl's first time being arrested.  Ian and Debby had set out some snacks and drinks for a small get-together even though they hadn't planned to have anyone over.  The eldest walked in first, then the couple walked in hand in hand making jokes and smiling at each other.  When they looked up Ian had the widest grin on his face, but Debby not so much.  "Why the fuck am I always the last to know about shit like this?!" She exclaimed as the others laughed.  "Surprise" Elliot said shyly as she shook her head and hugged him.  "You could do so much better than him y'know" she giggled.  They all looked at each other unsure on what to do now.  Carl threw his hands up "This gives us a reason to party, so let's get fucked up!"

A/N: Hey guys, sorry it's taken so long to update, I started school and that shits been wack, n realllyyyyyy fuckin hard.  But, I kept getting asked ab updating so I figured I'd quick finish this one and get it out.  Sorry if it doesn't make sense or it's just not the best quality, my brain is all over the place.  Anyway, I'll do my best not to abandon this fic, but I can't promise that chapters will be as long anymore (even though they probably will because I lie to myself all the time and I like writing too much)  If you have any suggestions for this fic or requests for other fandoms just lmk ( I wanna try n write more because I'm feeling a tad burnt out only writing this fic)  Have a lovely day/afternooon/evening/night

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