I Hate Mondays

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This is it, this is nice. Why can't it all be simple?

God why is that alarm so fucking loud?  I rub my eyes as I sit up and look around.  Carl went home last night, so his family wouldn't question him too much.  Plus, I think he wanted to talk to Ian about us.  He took my hoodie and sweats to sleep in which is honestly kind of adorable.  I finally climb out of bed and begin getting dressed as I start getting anxious about school.  We never talked about what we're going to do.  I mean, I guess I just have to trust that he thought it through and was prepared for whatever, because I'm sure as hell not.  I also have to see Emily today, so that's yet another shitty thing to face today.  I slip on my watch and check the time, I have to leave in like 5 minutes.  I quickly grab my bag and race up the stairs and into the kitchen.  I take what little time I have left to make coffee.

I grab my keys and lock the door on my way out.  I had a pretty good morning routine in place.  I hop in my car, starting it and taking off quickly.  I don't bother with the radio since its a short drive to school.  When I pull up I see Carl and Emily talking on the sidewalk.  "Shit.." I mutter aloud as I turn my car off and pocket my keys.  I grab my backpack from the backseat before getting out.  I'm instantly spotted by the two and they wave me over.  They're smiling.  Calm down, they're smiling, so it's all good, right? Yeah.  Emily seemed pretty okay with it when I last saw her, so this should be cool.  "Hey" Emily greeted me with a smile as I approached them.  I gave a soft smile and nod in response as I stopped and stood next to them.  Carl looked me up and down and frowned.  He gently put a hand on my shoulder before asking "Hey, what's wrong? Is something going on?"

I shake my head 'no' and shrug his hand off.  "Y'know, just tired-" I paused and sighed "And I bit worried" I murmured.  Carl gave me a soft smile "It'll be fine, I'd like to see anyone to try n fuck with me.  Either way, what's it matter to them what you do with your dick?" He chuckled and gently grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers.  While it kind of scared the shit out of me because people can see us, it was honestly really calming to have his reassurance.  When I look to Emily I saw a huge smile on her face "You guys are so cute.. I'm kind of glad we broke up" She giggled.  I rolled my eyes and chuckled with her.  I'm really glad she's not too upset with me about the breakup.  I guess it's because it could be worse.  Like, I could have cheated on her, or faked it then gotten married and had affairs.  Yeah, I'll assume it's because I was honest with her.  Well that, and y'know.  Carl fucking Gallagher.

"We should head in before we're late to first hour" I sigh and watch a few kids walk inside.  Carl and Emily nodded, so we walked in.  No one noticed at first since I was still walking next to Emily, but people slowly started to notice Carl and I's interlocked hands.  As we walked I could feel the eyes on us, but some starting looking away because Emily would glare at them.  Here and there I saw people turning and whispering to each other.  I started rotating my right wrist, my free one, to try and calm my nerves.  It had this weird, almost itchy feeling, but moving it around helped.  Carl noticed how on edge I was, so he tightly squeezed my hand and whispered "It'll be alright, I'm gonna walk you to first, okay?".  I nodded softly in response as I took deep breaths to help calm my nerves.

We finally got to the hallway my first hour was in, but before we reached the door there someone yelled "Looks like being a fag runs in the Gallagher family".  The hall fell silent as everyone's eyes fell on Carl and I.  I could feel the anger rising in both Emily and Carl.  Emily didn't hesitate as she whipped around looking up and down the hallway "Who the fuck said that? Huh? Too fucking afraid? Hm?" she started yelling.  She didn't care if a teacher heard her because she knew they wouldn't do anything, but maybe send her to the principal.  Some skinny trailer-trash white boy started walking towards us.  "So, did you know Elliot was a queer?  Were you his cover?  You helping out faggots now?" he asked Emily.  She scoffed and rolled her eyes "Shut the fuck up Tucker,".  Carl had been tightening his grip on my hand, but it started to hurt really bad so I slipped my hand out of his grasp.  He looked over to me apologetically, but I could still tell he was enraged.

I looked at him and gently shook my head "Carl, it's not worth it.  He's just another  Milkovich" I tell him ignoring the scoff from Tucker.  "Keep fucking talking rich bitch- I'll shove my foot so far up your ass that it'll come out of your mouth- Oh wait, you'd like that too much" He spat.  Carl moved so fast that I didn't register what was happening until he was on top of Tucker punching him repeatedly.  I stood there in shock for a second as the two fought.  Tucker could barely get any punches in.  Everyone was making comments, and I finally came back to it.  God dammit Carl..  I ran up behind him and put my arms under his, pulling him off of the almost unconscious kid.  He tried to resist until I started talking "Hey, calm down, you're okay.. Dammit Carl you didn't have to do that".  The principal along with a cop raced around the corner and into the hallway.  I was still holding Carl, and now I didn't want to let go..

A/N: Sorry updates are so few and far between.  I just don't  write as much anymore, but I promise I will try to keep writing until the end (Which I already have planned.  Yes, it's going to end some day)

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