False Alarm

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Carl nudged me, and looked over with a somewhat serious face "What's up douche?  I haven't seen you around much, you avoiding me or something?"

His tone matched his expression.  But the truth is I guess I was.  So today wasn't the first time I've had intrusive thoughts about him, the first was a couple days ago. And, although I know it didn't really happen, and they're just thoughts, so they don't mean anything, its just slightly weird to be around him now.  I give a slightly nervous laugh to lighten the mood, "Not like I could get rid of you anyway, I've been stuck with you since 6th grade". I put my arm around Emily's shoulders.

This was actually quite rare, but this just helps prove the thoughts mean absolutely nothing. "Hey, you were a charity case, you're the one I can't get rid of" Carl laughed a bit as he elbowed me. Alesia chimed in "Boys, boys, we all know you were just two pathetic outcasts that had no other choice", and the others laughed and nodded in agreement. Even Emily, who wasn't one for us being so rude to each other, let out a small chuckle.

Lestat leaned into the table on his elbows "Enough about you two losers" He said looking between Carl and I "I have some great news" He said with a proud smirk. "You got chlamydia! Oh no, wait, herpes!" Adrian shouted with a giggle. Carl leaned over and whispered to me "He's had that for a while now" and softly chuckled, while Lestat shot her a glare. "No, I'm smarter than that." He scoffed, but cheerfully turned back to the group "My body count, is now 40!" He exclaimed as there was a mix of sarcastic gasps, and annoyed sighs. It was common for Lestat to inform us every time he fucked someone new. We never actually knew who half these girls were, we just felt bad for them. "Aw come on, aren't you guys happy for me?" Lestat said in a whiny voice.


I walk out of the school relieved that the day is over. Thank god its fucking Friday, I don't have plans yet, but I'm sure a message will appear on my phone by the time I make it home. I make my way across the parking lot to find my car.  I finally get to my car and sit down, checking my phone quickly for any messages.  1 missed call and 3 new messages from Emily, she must really want something.  I open my phone and check the messages

Emily <3: Hey babe, any plans tonight, if so... cancel ;)

            Come on, my parents are out of town tonight

            Meet me @ my place, 5 sharp

Low and behold, she wants to fuck.  At this point it feels like that's all she wants.  Me to come over, we have sex in whatever way she comes up with, and either she wants to go again, or she is too tired to care.  That's another thing, apparently I'm too boring for her in bed.  She goes online and finds all this weird shit, like all the BDSM dominatrix stuff.  I mean, its not the worst thing to happen, but it definitely doesn't help my confidence... And it really hurts sometimes, like, yeah there's the good hurt, but there's bad hurt too.  Its all just a mess.  I think I need to end things with her.  Not tonight though it can wait for a bit, especially until all these dumb ass intrusive thoughts about Gallagher wash over.  

Man, I really need to be on my way...  As I check the time I realize its already 4.  Holy shit... have I really been here for an hour?  Damn.. I start my car and get home as fast as possible.  As always, mom's not home.  I race up to my room to start getting ready.  I only have an hour to shower, find clothes, put on said clothes, and drive 15 minutes to Emily's house.  I surprisingly manage, and I even tied a tie.  Okay, I have an extra what, 5 minutes? I got this.  I go out to my car, and quickly get it started.  I take my time driving to her house, and get there a minute before 5.  Perfect.  

I get out of my car and walk up to the door.  By the time I knock, its exactly 5 pm.  Emily answers the door in this maroon and black ruffled lingerie.  She's really pretty.  "Come in baby" She smirks and opens the door wider, stepping aside to let me in.  She closes the door right behind, and quickly starts dragging me up the stairs to her room.  She threw me on the bed, and got on top of me, straddling my hips, she had a knee on each side.  "I have a surprise." She said biting her lip... Oh shit...

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