Caught Up

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I never believed in love at first sight, but I just can't help myself and I am laying here with Mia in my arms and I don't want to let her go. If I thought she would say yes I would ask her to marry me this moment. I have heard love can happen this quickly but I can't believe my luck. We are only part when I need to work. I have gave her a key and the alarm codes and she is the only one who has ever gotten those. My parents and hers would not be happy if we got married after being together for less than a week, but when you know you know. It is like we are drawn to each other like moths to flames.
I haven't felt this way ever and I don't want to be away from Ethan and he says he feels the same way. I brought sone things over while everyone was at work. We can't get enough of each other. We can hardly walk we have had sex so much. I am here more than at home. I wait for him to arrive home and he strips out if his clothes and we head to the bed and get up to eat and drink. Things have been wonderful. One small issue and he has fixed it. I find something in his pocket and it is a ring box.
That's for you when you want it, open it up.
It's an engagement ring and two matching wedding bands. Are you asking me to be your wife?
Yes when you are ready, because I am ready now. We can fly to Vegas right now if you want to. I cover her with my body and make love to her again. I offer her the rings and I slide hers on and she says yes. We completely get lost in each other and get showered and catch a flight to Vegas and soon we are husband and wife. She is in a beautiful white lace dress and me a tux. It was a simple wedding and we are only going to be here for 24 hours. So we get a bungalow and enjoy private sun bathing and swimming in the nude. I love seeing her naked in the sun and then in the pool. I can't keep my hands off her. I can't stop making her come. We finally need to catch the flight.
We join the mile high club on the flight back. We are met with the press and then family members. Ethan handles it by saying the he has a lucrative practice and he owns his home and the building his practice is in as well. He tells them I won't want for anything at all. Plus I plan to attend college. Finally our families accept that we are adults and there is nothing wrong with us getting married and being happy. We move the rest of my things in to our home. It has been great. We are getting used to married life and I am  very satisfied with our sex life. I am cooking and cleaning for him and I. My courses are starting soon and my pills need refilled so I take care of those things.
I talk to Grace and she says that not much can be done since they are adults. Not what I want to hear, but if I press the issues they might stop talking to us at all. So we accept the marriage and move on. We decide to give them a party to recognize their union. I could have gotten a worse daughter in law namely Denise, Kate's old roommate.
Denise will need to be legally bound to stay away from Ethan. I had no idea she had dated Ethan in college and he had to have a restraining order against her. Kate had moved in with her before he knew about it. But the restraining order just covered him. She had to stay away from him. Now it includes all of us and Mia. We warned the Grey family and they now have a restraining order against her as well. She has been a huge issue for Ethan and now she was for Christian Grey and Kate. We found out she lied about her background.
Dear Lord I hope they find that crazy Denise before she hurts someone. We found out that she was a college student and dated Ethan, but he found out things about her. Her lies just kept getting more outrageous every day, it turns out she was a headline stripper near the college and college guys were her weakness. They called her spider lady, the young men she dated tended to disappear. They would date a couple of months and she would move on to her next victim. Ethan didn't follow through and she was following him everywhere he went to. Rather than alert any family members he got a restraining order against her. Unfortunately she followed him to Seattle and Met Kate and invited her to move in with her. Then she met Christian, she was very good at disguises and had been following Christian for a long period of time until Ray recognized her car. She might have disguised her appearance she couldn't afford any change of cars.
We are dealing with extra security for all of us until Denise is arrested. She is wanted for several killings and missing persons in the places she had lived. The stripper pole in her bedroom might make one wonder about her.
I can believe I am having to hide from people now. I changed my disguises but couldn't change the car to another one so one of the security guard / bodyguard to see and recognize me very quickly. The cops were there and took my car in as evidence. So they started looking for me and tried to arrest me but I escaped.

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