Alice Jessup

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I couldn't take my eyes off of Alice Kavanagh and she didn't seem to mind. The triplets knew her well. But she looks like her twin sister. Great grandpa had his minions arrange everything and we hired the triplets manny and nannies away from the Steele's. They were going have to find them other jobs. I end up with her phone numbers and I give her mine. Lewis was arrested for a multitude of crimes that he will be in prison for life. You don't mess with my grandfather and you don't mess with his family even if you are family. We found out that Lewis hired someone to bomb our parents plane. Everything became clear with the help of a few GEH investigators working with my grandfathers investigators.
I hug the babies and say good bye. Our twins will miss them and they will miss them as well. Ashford wanted a private word with Ray.
Ashford asked me about my family and when he heard I was abandoned and was a foster child he asked if they could run a DNA test.
A few days later there was a reason why the triplets looked exactly like me. I am Ashford Jessup's son. I was kidnapped and was never returned or found. They paid the ransom and never heard from the kidnappers. Now we know why they looked like me and all my other children. Hey when you have good genes they overcome the bad ones lol.
Hey I have good genes as well. He laughs and says you sure do.
They look good on and off lol.
Stop it we have company. It has been a hard day but Ray can get me to laugh even when life is hard. The Jessups take photos of all the families and no matter what we do we will miss our three visitors. Alice leaves with them and she lets Kate and her parents that she is writing the story from the Jessup points of views and she wrote our version of the story when it happened.
Welch never gave up and then he got a whisper from a colleague and that brought them to our doorstep. I know a few details and one is that Lewis held his cousin hostage and finally let him go a month ago. He finally told his grandfather everything and his grandfather got involved and found his grandchildren through a lot of investigators.
Four months later
I get married to Alice Kavanagh and she adopts our triplets. It was difficult to talk her into it, but I did. Grandpa convinced Dana to sign her rights away and to keep quiet about everything until Lewis stands trial. Grandpa decided to keep Lewis's trust from him and give it to the triplets. The triplets are doing good after everything they finally settled down. I think because we were all very attentive to them. Their favorite toys helped along with familiar faces. Eamon and Enid was not happy about Alice getting involved with me, but I convinced them I would be a good husband and I am nothing like Lewis. I might have talked a prisoner into having my three children for not so great reasons. I was getting her something in return, she actually had poor legal representation for her crimes. Since she went back home she has kept her nose clean and is working with needy people.
We actually had a nice wedding at the Jessup estate. Everyone including the Valentines came out. Anastasia is pregnant this time. Christian is very protective of her. She has a baby bump and is glowing. Mark wants more children but we aren't ready for them yet. I mean three toddlers going on two year olds are hard to chase. My book based on true stories is nearly done.
The wedding was big really big. Kids everywhere people enjoying themselves and not one thing went wrong. The Steele twins were playing with the triplets and it was amazing how beautiful the wedding was. I think my wedding was the best one in the families.
It was an amazing day and we finally found time to be alone. She presented me with the copy of the book she wrote about our combined families and it will be listed in the fiction section. After all who would believe everything that has went on in our lives and it included some very private peoples lives. I think she might get sued by a few people and we don't need that. Lewis is begging for help to get out of prison, but that ship has sailed. The playboy bunny has contacted me and grandpa about something that I just don't believe her story at all. Blackmail material about Lewis along with her saying the baby she had is Lewis's and she wants money from us.
I tell Pam Stenson that if she is pregnant by Lewis I feel bad for her and her baby because Lewis has nothing left after he entertained her. I told her to sell her jewelry and expensive cars and the two homes Lewis bought he to support herself and her child. When I had Lewis investigated I had her followed and she had other wealthy men chasing her and she spent nights with them often. I did say that if it was indeed my grandson I would make sure it was well cared for. She turned out to be lying about being pregnant. My people found out she loss a baby and decided she didn't want children. I told her she better take everything she got from Lewis and run fast and far from me or I will see if I can get the things back from her.
Pam came to visit me once and she needed money from me and I told her I didn't have any money left after my grandpa got through with me. She has never been back. Unfortunately the guys who were protecting me found this out and I am not sure about what they are going to do to me after they heard that.
Three days later I learned you don't lie to someone who can take your life away in thirty seconds.

The prison called and informed me that Lewis had an accident in the showers. We buried him in the black sheep side of the graveyard. Not many attended his funeral. They did try to find out if they were in his will though.

The end of a liar
Hope you enjoyed the story.

The photo was my father, I am the only child that looks like him. I have his blue eyes and hair color. All my siblings are brown eyed like my mother.

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