A Very Pregnant College Student

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Elliott and I forgot something and I am now nine months along and I am very uncomfortable, the seats in the classes aren't made for pregnant women. I think they need to rethink their environment because it limits the size and shape of students who can attend the courses. Elliott picks me up with new security staff and one is a woman. I think she was Anastasia's security, but she got a lot too friendly with Christian. So they fired her. I told her if she tried the same thing with Elliott she would never work again in her trained profession. Elliott laughs after she is out of hearing distance. We are both jealous people. We finally had the reception and a wedding as well for both families. Carrick walked me down the aisle.
Kate has been nesting. I read everything on pregnancies and I also know that Kate cleaning is not something she does. So when I see her double over in pain. I go to her and find myself flat on my back from where her water broke. I hit my arm on the way down and it broke. So here we are both on the floor. I dial 911 and security and try to help Kate as best that I can. Two security come and Try to assist us. I watch as my son is delivered on the floor of our kitchen. They weren't fast enough to get a towel from the bathroom, so the used one of the kitchen towels. The EMT's finally arrive to three people to transport to the hospital. Kate went in one ambulance with our son and me in another one. Security following us to the hospital. I call and get someone to clean up the mess left behind. Mom and dad were the first to arrive and Enid was the next. The Valentines arrived and an additional family member, apparently Angela got married to Andrew Thomas. Elliott Eamon Kavanagh was very healthy and hungry. My arm was placed in a cast after they had to operate on it. Then Mia with Ethan, Anastasia and Christian. We got all kinds of visitors.
Elliott couldn't hold his own baby without help poor guy. We had all kinds of help though. After all little Elliott has eleven hand brothers and sisters. A friend brought me my assignments so I could stay ahead of the game. I think she was trying to meet my family and my new security guard. Kimberly Swift was drooling over him the second she saw him. But he was working and that meant he couldn't engage in conversation with her. So here she is and Ryan Reynolds is off duty and she invited him to have dinner with him. He went with her. Elliott chuckled and said she definitely went after what she wanted and might just get it. Our security is part of the GEH staff so they make a nice amount money to do what they do.
I visit Kate and give her the assignments she needed. She knows why I am here and it is to invite Ryan her security to dinner. He is finally off duty and this my chance to invite him out without him getting in trouble.
I am finally able to chat with Kimberly and I make the best of it. She actually invites me to dinner and we leave to go eat. Dinner is at her apartment and she cooks it while I watch her from the counter. This is nice. I ran her background and she doesn't date often if she does she is very particular about her choices. She offers me something to drink. Water, tea or soda no alcohol.
I don't drink and don't buy alcohol. I will explain when we know each other better.
I already know why, but I don't let her know that. She was riding in the car with her parents when a drunk driver hit the passenger door on her baby brother's side of the car. Her brother was killed instantly as she was saved because the car seat her brother was in pushed her into the floorboard of the car and she survived injuries, unfortunately she was covered in her brother's blood and car seat. Her parents had various injuries but they were very distraught about losing her brother. The drunk was given a slap on the wrist. They were paid for my brother's life by the insurance company. No amount of money can make up for the loss of a human being. But who pays for the sorry and suffering of her parents and her from losing him. I guard people now because I too had losses. I was not big enough to protect my family, but I can protect others families. They told me that I couldn't have done anything but what I did. I got one of the men who killed my family. I tripped him and he fell down the stairs breaking his neck immediately. They were able to catch the the five others who killed all my family. I woke up and hid from them until I was spotted and dragged to the staircase. I tripped the man and I ended up on top of him with just a few bruises. I called the cops. I knew that my family's lack of response to my calling out for them that they couldn't answer. We were both left orphans. Her mother and father survived that first time, but the same driver ended up killing them both a year later at the same intersection. She wasn't with them this time. The woman is serving twenty years and Kimberly is left with money instead of her family.
I finally have the food ready and we chat and have a great time. We laugh and talk about pleasant things. We go watch a movie or two. Sleep finally catches up with us and we fall asleep on the sofa. His arms are around me as I wake up from my usual nightmare of the woman who killed my brother and a year later she killed my parents. They should never have released her to be free to drink drive and kill again.

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