Mia's Yearning

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Mom told me that it is normal for me to miss Emily but I know she is well loved and cared for. Ethan has been very attentive to me where this is concerned. We spoke about things and at first I wanted to keep Emily, but saw how much she was part of the family of ten. They were very loving and came to visit us and play in the back yard. They belonged together. Ethan said they will know that they were loved and cared for. Plus they will know that we gave them up because we didn't want to separate them from the only mother they ever knew and grandfather they ever knew. Mom told me that once I have a baby and care for them I will understand that it was that the children were already family and to remove them from one another caused a lot of heartache for Angela and her father and even more for the ten children. We have videos of them and mom showed me a video of Angela and the children when they thought they were being separated from each other. It was heartbreaking watching all of them crying and holding on to the only family they ever knew.
I ask Mia if she wanted to start having a baby? She said not right now that the time isn't right yet. She has thrown herself into her courses and it is making her feel better. Denise is still creating problems. It has been a year and guess who is pregnant again. She got pregnant in jail. I think it is time for the baby machine to be shut down. The baby is being put up for adoption. Mia said that the baby will be placed in a good home and to someone who loves it.
Mia has been working hard in school and enjoying her time with her husband. She keeps in touch with Angela and we get family photos and send ours as well. This way they know we are family. We have invited them to come for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It will be great to have them for Christmas and see children enjoying opening gifts.
My wife is thinking about having children in our home again. I was hopeful, but it is better that all the children stayed with Angela and her father. We are really looking forward to the holidays even though news that Denise is pregnant yet again. They are taking the baby away from her immediately. They are firing the father of the baby. We think he has already left town though. Criminal charges were going to be filed, but after everything they think Denise had something in him or made him think she did. At this point they have her in protective custody, the women in jail don't like her at all.
I am bringing a very sexy young woman to the Christmas party at work. I had to get permission to bring her first. Her father is strict. Elliott is bringing Kate. They have been dating for more than a year. Might be closer to two years now. We met her and Denise at the bar nearly two years ago my son is walking now and talking. We get updates all the time. I finally pick my date up and Ray is telling me that he expects me to behave like a gentleman. Colleen is laughing at that comment behind his back. Anastasia and I have been dating for six months. Colleen knows about our dating. She is seeing someone on my staff and doing well at college and at the hotel. Collin Welch fell for her the moment he saw her. I told him that Ray is very protective and strict. Plus he needs to learn the difference between Anastasia and Colleen. Collin arrives right behind me and we leave for the party. After Denise I got lectured by mom and dad, but I decided to change my ways after crazy Denise.
Colleen and I are ready to have a wonderful time. We head to his car and then to the hotel for the party. It is going to be a good night. I see all the Grey family and the Valentines are there as well this party includes all the children of GEH employees and Santa is giving out gifts tonight. Dad and Robin arrive together. They are getting married tomorrow. Her minister is performing the ceremony. It is going to be an early morning ceremony and they will be going on a honeymoon later that night. This year children will be involved in our lives.
Thinking about children again Anastasia?
Things happen for a reason you know that. It was something that just happened the baby wouldn't have survived.
If I had called 911 earlier she might have lived and the baby would have as well.
Grace told you that neither had a chance of survival. The car struck her in a way that the baby and her both died on the way to the hospital. You did keep them alive until the ambulance arrived. Even the EMT said you gave them more time. The mom was able to give her last message to her family through you. There is nothing you can do. So let's enjoy life for her and her baby.
I go see Anastasia and Colleen, Elliott is talking to Collin and Christian. Mia and Ethan are headed this way. Alice is with Sawyer yet again. Not sure he is serious about her or not. I hope he is.
Alice and I are having fun and I think Kate wants me to be serious about her, but we agreed to just enjoy each other for now.
I really like Sawyer but we aren't serious about each other and probably won't be. We have fun hanging out and he has skills that amuse me.

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