A Beautiful Baby

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I have had a bad day and it just got worse due to a visit from Denise's attorney. The subject was a DNA test. A DNA on a baby of Denise's. They got the sample and left me the paperwork and the lab and testing number to find out the results. I still can't figure how I can be the father. She really didn't discriminate as to who she had sex with male or female. I called mom and dad and then our family attorney. Where has this baby been and how old is it? They never answered my questions just got the DNA sample. Odd. I get a call from a few classmates who also had to give DNA samples. Then Mia calls and asks me about it and tells me that Christian had to give a DNA sample as well. No one has really seen her around before the cops arrested her. Even then we only saw her face.
I call dad and get him in on this because I don't know for sure there is a baby, but I can't believe that she wouldn't attempt this before she was put behind bars. Soon dad calls me back and says he can't seem to get any information about her having any child at all. But if she has had a child or having a child we will know soon enough.
I try to find birth records with Denise as the mother, but can't seem to locate any. I get Denise's last name, well one of many of her last names. Denise Drew Pennington is one of her names. Then she has five more so I get Christian to have his guys and gals to get the information we need. This could be my grandchild and we don't even know where it is or who is caring for it. Or what sex it is, she could have more than one baby out there as much as she got around. Ten DNA test scares me.
I can't believe how one female can cause so much trouble and she has bodies buried as well let's just hope it isn't any babies as well. Apparently she followed Ethan Kavanagh from college. So he is on the list of fathers and Christian as well. I only know because they are related to me.
I can't believe what I am seeing and caseworkers are holding onto ten children of various ages to be tested. There stands Elliott getting his DNA tested as well. Apparently Denise was like a chameleon and changed her looks often. She must be much older than she looks. A twelve year old is being tested. I know Elliott started having sex almost the same time he started attending high school parties. How old is Denise?
It appears that Ethan has a daughter that is three years old her name is Emily Ann Kavanagh . Elliott has one that is ten years old and a boy Elliott Edward Grey and Christian is the father of the baby she just gave birth to David Christian Grey. The other seven expectant fathers are hoping that they aren't the fathers of the other seven. Mia was upset, but knew that the child needed a home and they signed all the papers to take custody of Emily. Elliott and Christian signed the documentation and I helped all three get everything needed to take the children home from the hospital. I swear I heard that she was very sexually active. It is a good thing they got tested after they had sex with her. I think it was the stripper pole that worried Christian. But ten children means she lied about birth control or it failed every time. Christian said he wore protection but it is easy to poke holes in them if they are unattended. Then I thought that is precisely what she did. I know three fathers who aren't going to help her get out of jail, but can't say the same for the other seven fathers if they are the fathers. I still want to know who was caring for the ten children and then I see her. She is crying and crying as the children are holding onto her for dear life. An older gentleman is standing there trying to soothe her and the children. She is holding the newborn in her arms. Apparently this was a dear friend of Denise's who took care of the children from birth. She has full power of attorney to get even medical care for the children. This is so very hard to watch. The woman looks about Elliott's age and the man looks like her father.
Mr Robert Valentine
I watch as the inevitable happens and that bitch Denise makes sure she destroys Angela's life once again. Thomas Stewart Simmons is the son of Angela's fiancé who apparently was killed by Denise and we just found out. She had a baby and handed it over to Angela. We found out about the oldest being David's son recently. We are still waiting for results and they are calling others in to be tested. How can one person destroy so many lives. I let Angela say goodbye to basically her children and talk to dr Grey who is helping us on this and grandmother of at least two of the children. The newborn and the ten year old and Emily.
I know this is hard on you both and I don't know what to say to make it better. Denise is a monster in so many ways. But we are still thinking if what would be best for the children. Right now I can see how much you and your daughter love the children and have taken great care of them. I think getting the fathers together to talk to you about this situation might be for the best. It should be in a very private setting. Once we get all the fathers together.
I bring Ethan, Elliott and Christian into my office. I want to know what they are thinking in regards to keeping the child or allowing the Valentines to adopt them. Even though they are our grandchildren I am not sure they would be safe with their individual fathers. I think they are safer with the Valentine's. Angela and her father have taken great care of all the children. Ethan asks if they allow the adoption can he get photos of his daughter? He wants to know if she or the Valentines ever need anything for her. The Elliott and Christian join in on that thought as well. I tell them that I know it is difficult to give up a child, but they see how much the woman loves the children and it is tearing her apart. They are all healthy and well loved and they love Angela and her father as well. They all sign over their rights to Angela Valentine and only a few provisions are if they ever need anything they are to contact them immediately. If something happens to Angela and her father and they can't care for them any longer they are to be brought back to them. The Valentines agreed to it and gave us their address and phone numbers. We verified all the information they gave us just in case. The other seven men signed their rights over to the Valentines as well. I made sure all the adoptions went through quickly and Denise could no longer contact the fathers or the Valentines and she can't get in contact with the children. It ended up with a family ending up being consolidated into one family of Valentines. A very happy mother of ten and grandfather of ten left the Seattle court house a month later through the back doors and under a lot of security. Four of the men had been killed by Denise.
Christian, Elliott and Ethan handed the Valentines a check from each of them and to call if they needed anything at all. I handed them mine and Graces numbers as well. The Kavanaghs handed the checks and phone numbers as well. Mia had became close friends to Angela and asked for photos and emails.

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