Dont leave me

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'The hound and mountain are off it seems,' tyrion said coming up behind her.

'Where have you been!' Alina yelled.

'Im sorry frosty did my adventures worry you?'

'Tyrion youre not leaving me are you?' Alina questioned.

'Leaving where frosty?'

'The capital!' She cried out.

'No no the cunts are too loose there,' tyrion joked and alina swatted at him plopping down on his bed.

'Im serious!' alina told him

'Me too,' he kissed her cheek. 'Come now im not leaving. I could never leave my favorite girl.' he told her

'You left me. When i was younger. You left me.' Alina reminded him softly

'Yes.' He admitted 'but that more jaimes fault. He tricked me. I wouldnt have left you. Your my favorite little snowball.' She slapped him again. 'Sorry sorry.'

That night Alina curled up next to tyrion that night not wanting to be alone.

'Im still here.' He whsipered as he stroked her white hair. 'Im not going anywhere. I promise'. He kissed her head before falling asleep. He didnt know the extent of her and Sandor's friendship but he knew that with the hound gone to babysit the prince alina would pick him. She would love him. She was his best friend. The only women he ever wanted after... she was a hidden gem that was about to exposed to the world as tywin Lannisters new weapon. People would flock to her from all around westeros to see the snow princess. To see if the legends were true and he would make sure he stayed with her. Protected her as best he could. Loved her if she let him. Perhaps his father would even consider blessing this union. A frost and a lannister. Forever bonded. Surely his father couldnt deny that.

'No.' Tywin said simply turning back to his work.

'No?' Tyrion questioned.

'No.' Tywin said still not looking up. 'Catalina is mine. My ward. My responsibility. She is marry someone of great power. A noble house and-'

'I am of a noble house!' Tyrion reminded him. 'The most powerful house.'

'Tyrion-' tywin said exasperated.

'Father please-'

'Tyrion. No. I have work to do.' Tywin informed him. 'Please. Just go away. Dont bother me with your illogical crush on catalina frost. She is far too good for you. I will find her a proper match.'


'Out tyrion.' Tywin demanded.

Frost // Tyrion Lannister // Sandor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now