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If weeks working with Jungkook taught Jin anything it's how to control his anger. The number of times he wanted to take hold of Jungkook's head and slam it against a wall can't be counted even if he tried. He knew that the bastard was making his life hard on purpose.

He makes Jin work extra hours when it's not even needed! Jin is sure that he's only trying to make him suffer or else why would he make him work on a report then tell him it was irrelevant and give him another "relevant" report to work on! Or when he asks him about something in a meeting, putting all the attention on him when he knows he probably won't know the answer so he could embarrass him. Jin figured out that Jungkook could be trying to make him look bad, or not capable in his father's eyes.

Sure Jungkook knows more about work and is more capable than Jin but Jungkook also happened to learn from the best. His father taught Jungkook himself, but when it came to Jin his own father betrayed him by letting the asshole, who enjoys ordering him around rather than actually educating him, teach him.

His father did say though that he was getting better and better at work, but Jin still doesn't feel the tiniest bit thankful to Jungkook. If he's getting better it's because Jin is smart and a fast learner, not because Jungkook is a good mentor. Absolutely not.

Jin sighed for the nth time since he arrived, he was in Jungkook's office alone all day. He definitely doesn't want Jungkook to be here with him, but it's getting kind of boring and he doesn't know what to do. He had already finished the boring reports and the presentation that Jungkook told him to work on but still, Jungkook is nowhere to be seen.

Where is he though? Jin begins to wonder. They left together in the morning and half an hour after they arrived, Jungkook is nowhere to be seen. How rude of him? Jin thinks. If he was going to be absent shouldn't he have told him beforehand? They share the same office, he definitely should've let him know.

Hoseok burgers into the office, "Um, why are you not working?" He asks Jin.

"I would've if I had something to actually work on. Grim reaper gave me some boring paperwork that I finished HOURS ago, he's God knows where probably making someone miserable for the day."

"Aww, look at you missing your husband."

"What the fuck? How do you even get that from what I said? I couldn't be happier that he's not here, bothering me!"

"You look upset though."

"I'm not! I'm just sick and tired of him disrespecting me and making me feel inferior to him! He's treating me as if I'm worth nothing, what the hell is wrong with him!" Jin explains angrily.

"Wait, I'm confused. What happened? Did you and Jungkook fight?" Hoseok asks.

"No, but we will. We came here together, gave me some boring reports to work on, left me to 'focus' since apparently I'm annoying to work with, and now he's nowhere to be found!"

"Oh. So in short, you want to know where Jungkook is?"

"I couldn't care less where he is! I'm frustrated that my father thinks so highly of him and he's not even working properly!" Jin explains angrily.

Hoseok raises one brow as he gives his best friend the look.

"What?" Jin asks.

"You seem too annoyed for that to be the reason. Come on, what's wrong? Tell me."

"What the hell are you talking about that really is the fucking reason! Jungkook disappeared the whole day, doing whatever he feels like, but I'm here under his mercy! I have to listen to his nagging and orders because my own father gave him that kind of power over me!"

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