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I was curling my hair when I got a text from Sebastian, saying he will be here in 20 minutes. I finished getting ready and just in time the doorbell rang. I went downstairs and there was Sebastian, looking amazing in his suit.

He looked me up and down slowly. "Wow. You look...gorgeous." He smiled up at me and came closer to pull me into a hug.

I blushed and smiled. "You look handsome yourself."

"Let's get going, I need to tell you a few important things about my family, so you are not totally clueless later." He opened the car door for me and I sat inside.

I found out there will be at least 20 people today. His sister is one of them, and he hadn't seen her for 5 years, because their parents sent her away to live with her aunt after she got pregnant. His grandmother is the one who is bugging him about the girlfriend, so she will probably ask a lot of questions.

We finally stopped in front of a beautiful restaurant and got out of the car. "Let's get this over with." He held my hand and we went inside.

An older woman came to us immediately. "Sebastian, darling, here you are. Oh! Is this the girl?" She looked at me.

"Gran, this is Julia, my girlfriend. Lia, this is my grandma Anabelle."

"Nice to meet you." I said, wanting to shake her hand, but she pulled me into a hug. I laughed as I saw Sebastian shaking his head.

We went to the table, and I met everyone, not really remembering all of their names. Rose and Arthur, Sebastian's parents, Claire, his sister and her adorable daughter Lizzie. Everyone else's names were just too much to remember all at once.

"So Julia, tell me, how did you two meet?" His gran asked me as others were chatting amongst them.

"Actually, we have known each other since middle school. At least I remember it from then." Sebastian looked at me confused, and I just smirked, knowing he doesn't remember pushing me in that lake.

"Oh, that is so sweet. How long have you two been together?" Oh, we should have discussed this before we came here.

I looked at Sebastian for help. "Babe, how long has it been now?"

"Almost a year, actually." He quickly said to not make it look suspicious and took my hand..

I added. "Yeah, time flies quickly."

"Julia, you look really pretty." One of the younger aunts commented from across the table.

"She is gorgeous, not just pretty Aunt Alice." Sebastian said, winking at me, and I blushed.

We ate three courses already, and it was time for dessert. Waiters brought out chocolate souffles, with fruit at the side. I bet it tastes as delicious as it looks. Lizzie seemed to love it, as she had chocolate everywhere. I saw Rose looking irritated at what the little girl was doing and she suddenly got mad and yelled at Claire in the middle of the restaurant. "Can't you tell your child to behave? Look what she did with the souffle, it's everywhere!"

"Mom, she is your granddaughter, and she's only 5 years old, don't yell in here, I will clean it." Claire said calmly, which only got Rose more mad.

"She shouldn't have even been born." The whole table quieted, even some tables next to us. I heard some people gasp at her harsh words.

"Stop saying that, it was my choice to keep her, and you have done nothing to help me. You forbid her father to see me or help me! I raised her by myself, we lived in an attic, god dammit. I worked day and night to make money for us, and it's still not enough. I came here after 5 years, and you still can't accept that I'm a mom. You're unbelievable!"

"If you would just have an abortion like I said you should..." Rose said back to her, not even caring about all the people staring at us now.

"I'm not staying here. Sorry Sebastian, I know I promised to try, but I really can't listen to that anymore." She stood up, picked Lizzie up, and walked to the front door.

Both me and Sebastian took our things and ran after them, finding them getting in the car. "Claire, wait!" Sebastian shouted so she could hear him. She stopped and looked at us, her eyes shining with tears. "Do you have anywhere to stay?"

"I don't know. Hotel?" She said unsure. She said she had money problems, she couldn't afford a hotel.

"You can stay at my house. We have a free room." I offered nicely.

"I don't want to intrude. I will find something." She said getting in her car.

Now, Sebastian got in on the convincing. I saw how sad and scared he looked. "Claire, please, take Julia up on her offer. I can't lose you again. Stay, please!"

Claire looked at her brother and her eyes filled with more tears, then she turned to me. "You really won't mind? And your parents?"

"My dad is hardly ever home and even when he is, he is locked in his office. My brother is studying in London. You need a place, you got it." I smiled and hugged her.

Sebastian looked at me with a grateful look and mouthed, thank you. We all drove to my house and I showed Claire and Lizzie to their room and went down to the kitchen where Sebastian was sitting behind a counter with his head in hands.

"They are going to be okay." I assured him and sat beside him. He turned his head to me and nodded.

"Thanks Lia. I don't know what would happen if you didn't offer your house."

"You can come over anytime you want while they are here. Spend some time with your sister, get to know your niece."

"Thank you." He smiled as he looked me right into my eyes.

"Where is your mom? Are your parents divorced or something?" I tensed at the question, and he saw me turn pale. "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked that."

"It's fine. I don't like to talk about her much, it brings back sad memories. She... She died 2 years ago in a car accident. Some drunk idiot drove through the red light and hit right into her side of the car. She died instantly. " I looked out the window to stop the tears from falling.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." He placed his hand on my thigh, looking at me apologetically.

"She actually called me Lia too. I almost forgot until you started to call me that. It reminds me of her." I smiled thinking of her sweet voice.

"Did we really meet in middle school?" He changed the subject, which I appreciated.

"Yeah, you pushed me in the lake because you wanted to look cool." I laughed.

"Oh my god, I was such an idiot back then." We both just laughed, and then he stood up, fixing his suit.

"Well, I should go say goodbye to Claire and Lizzie. I'm exhausted. You should go to bed too and I will see you tomorrow."

After calling Sarah to tell her about today I went straight to sleep.

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