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Sebastian's POV

"Bash! Come on, we are waiting for you." My girl yelled from the end of the bed. I groaned and rolled out of the warm bed. How can they all be ready to walk a thousand miles at 7 in the morning? Okay, I'm exaggerating, it's three miles to the other side of the lake, but I really don't have the energy now.

"Do I have to go?" I whined.

"Yes, you big baby. There is a tree that had our names carved in it and I want you on it too." She pouted, and I smiled at how cute she looked.

I dressed up quickly and ran outside, where they were really all waiting for me. After getting a few comments from Claire for being lazy, we started the journey. There was a wooden suspension bridge that swung and made me dizzy.

Julia and Sarah were at the front, talking cheerfully, not even bothered that the wood creaked beneath our feet.

"You're so whipped, bro. Look where you are walking." Sam laughed when I ran into him.

"Who's talking? I see how Sarah has you wrapped around her finger."

"As if Julia doesn't have you the same way. We are fucked with these girls." He said jokingly.

When we came back to the house, my anger instantly raised, as did Adam's. On the swing in front of the house was that jerk, that was apparently my girl's ex-boyfriend. Jackson or Jaden or something like that.

He saw all of us and went pale. I guess he didn't expect so many people and knows he is fucked. Julia immediately came to my side and I hugged her around the waist with one arm.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Adam stepped in front of him.

"I was...just...uhh..." He stuttered, looking genuinely scared.

"How did you know I was here, Jacob?" So, that's his name.

I whispered to Sarah to stay near Julia, and I walked to stand beside Adam. I raised my eyebrows to let him know we are waiting for an explanation.

"On Snapchat...the location, it was turned on. I... I wanted to see how you are." Oh my god, what a coward.

"Go on, get going. When I come out, I don't want to see you here anymore. Got it?" Adam said, trying to stay calm because of Lizzie.

He went inside with Claire and Lizzie, and I really wanted to punch that guy now that my niece can't see. I looked back to see my girl watching me with concerned eyes, and I walked back to her and hugged her.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here and nothing bad will happen." She nodded.

We heard a punch and a groan behind us and when I looked back, Sam was shaking off his hand, which was just on Jacob's face.

"Why did you do that?" I asked, but was happy that he did that instead of me. That little shit deserved it.

Sam raised his hands in defense and shrugged. "He has a really punchable face." Lia laughed a little in my embrace and I relaxed.

Jacob stood up with a little blood on his lip, nothing scary, I would probably break his nose or something worse. He slowly started to walk to his car but stopped in the middle, turning back to Julia. "Are you really with this guy? You could do so much better. I could be so much better, Julia."

"What the fuck did you say?" I yelled, anger seeping out of me.

"She is probably playing you, she will drag you along and then forget about you when she has enough. "

"You are going to stop talking about my girlfriend like she is a whore, which she definitely is not, or you won't be able to drive back home when I'm done with you. Understood?"

"You don't even know her man, you just want a good fuck. I bet you don't know a thing about her at all." He said mockingly.

I tried to stay calm, but it was harder every minute. I walked closer to him again, but I didn't punch him, I smiled and decided to prove him wrong.

"Her favorite chocolate is Ferrero Rocher, but she hates any dark chocolate. Her favorite colors are blue and yellow, but she dislikes anything brown. Her favorite scent is lavender, but smelling cinnamon makes her sick. She's got a scar on her left arm from when she fell from the tree when she was six. She doesn't like having wavy hair, even though it looks gorgeous on her. She likes dogs, but not the big ones, they scare her. She's the best and the most gorgeous person I've ever met..." I paused and took one more step. "And she doesn't need you to come into her life anymore. So next time you think of coming near her, remind yourself that I will be here, and I will stand up for her. Always. "

He just scoffed and sat in his car, driving away quickly.

I turned to Julia, and she was smiling with tears in her eyes. She ran to me and jumped into my arms, wrapping her legs around me.

"Did you mean all of that?" She whispered into my ear.

"Every single word. I'll always be by your side, keeping you safe and happy. You don't need to be afraid of anything with me." And I really mean it. This girl made my life a hundred times better, everything makes sense again.

She raised her head from my shoulder and kissed me lovingly. When we pulled apart, we both smiled, and I kissed her quickly once again before setting her on the ground.

"I thought you would punch him." She admitted when we were sitting inside on the couch.

"I almost did, but thinking of you calmed me down. I have to treat Sam to a drink, he really did me a favor by punching him." She laughed and cuddled close to me. Everyone joined us on the couch, and we opened a bottle of wine and talked until at least three in the morning.

I saw Julia was almost falling asleep, so we said goodnight to everyone and headed upstairs. As soon as she laid in the bed, she fell asleep. She looked so peaceful, tangled in the covers like it was freezing, when actually it was really hot here.

I laid beside her, pulling her close to me, and she hugged me in her sleep. I promised myself that I will never let her go. She is such a precious girl, and she helped me overcome the obstacles in my life, as I helped her.

I never thought I could fall in love, but I did. I know I did. I thought it was too soon to call it that, but today I realized I loved her for a long time. I hope she feels the same, if not yet, I will wait for her for as long as I have to, because I don't want a future without her in it.

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