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"Stars are beautiful, but they may not take an active part in anything,
they must just look on forever.
It is a punishment put on them for something they did so long ago
that no star now knows what it was.
So the older ones have become glassy-eyed and seldom speak
(winking is the star language),
but the little ones still wonder."

― J.M. Barrie

For all dreamers,
Wanderers, Lost Boys, and Girls.
In memory and sincere thanks to J.M Berrie,
whose story has lit up the hearts of children, the eyes of adults, and our muse.


We are happy that you stumbled across our story among all the others - and of course, we hope that you will like it!


First of all, we would like to mention a few things:

1. The Neverland Tales series

Our "Neverland Tales" is a small series, which is about a big over story in Neverland. The first part is called "Hooked" and is largely set in Cannibal Cove and - who would have thought it? - the Jolly Roger.

2. The writing style

All POVs in the chapters are taken from our written role-play - so scenes are sometimes approached from different angles and sometimes repeated. Nevertheless, we hope you will enjoy our story and the idea behind it - let us surprise you ;)

3. The writers

The Neverland Tales are written by 2 writers. Each of them has their own 'roles' of the main characters, from whose point of view the story was written. Therefore, the styles of the POVs differ, of course.

4. Artwork & Merchandise

The 'small' project has been running for us outside of Wattpad for a while, so besides the chapters, we also have several artworks by various wonderful artists that we don't want to withhold from you ;)

You can find pictures and other info and updates at Instagram:

The rights of the artwork belong to us and the artists alone. Sharing - with reference to the source or us - is of course allowed. We are always happy about followers. Sharing is Caring <3

5. German and English versions

You can find our story in German and English on Wattpad. The English version has been translated by a translator for the most part. Piece by piece we will 're-translate' the parts and (hopefully) correct possible translation mistakes. However, if you notice anything, please let us know ;)

6. Contents, Trigger warning

Peter Pan is a somewhat... difficult topic. To remain politically correct when the basic source is from a 'different time' and especially contains many clichés and the critical topic of Indians is anything but easy. We would like to clearly emphasize here: 

This novel is a purely fictional work. The names, characters, and events depicted herein are the work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental. 

Also, we do not intend to offend any group, minority, or the like, or deliberately attack them with our story. Due to the adaptation of our story, the 'Indians' are also not portrayed as in JM Barrie's work. The views and opinions expressed are fictitious and correspond solely to those of the characters!

We ask for your understanding and indulgence.

Furthermore, the story contains erotic/sexual content and violence. We advise against it if you do not like such content. We put trigger warnings above the relevant chapters - you can also skip them.

The chapters with erotic content are marked with a symbol. These can also be skipped. 

🌶️ = Soft eroticism or hints

🌶️🌶️ = Erotic, a little hotter

🌶️🌶️🌶️ = Explicit sex, detailed eroticism

7. Comment & Contact

We welcome readers and your opinions (of course we live by the motto 'the tone makes the music'). So we welcome comments, likes, tips, and news!

We hope you enjoy our stories <3


Second Star Crew ✧✧

A Neverland Tale - HOOKED (eng)Where stories live. Discover now