Chapter 6.6 - Filou

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Filou felt the heat of her body. An ember that rebelled lit a new fire and, without her knowing it, he admitted it to himself, ignited dry sprouts of black powder inside him that had long lain fallow. A meticulously guarded storeroom with heavy doors to which few possessed a key, and Fiona had just thrown a rattling tinderbox far too carelessly and without suspecting the consequences.

Not many could bypass his laboriously erected defenses like a fluxxe lizard simply scurrying and pushing their way between the narrowest troughs to light the fizzing fireworks. Those persons he could count in his long life on one, generously perhaps on two hands... at least those he remembered. To put himself in a passionate situation was a weakness. Many powerful and intelligent men had survived attacks of every form - only to meet their end by a blade in silken sheets.

Filou's rough fingers splayed, stroking the shapes of her body sideways, rubbing with his thumb like a first taste of the soft curves of her breasts that stretched so longingly toward him. Soft, erect peaks pressed against the wet fabric, and he felt them just as ardently against his skin. Filou paused, and his eyelids flicked downward at the rate his gaze traced her body.From the delicately shaped shoulder area, further down, inward, to the bright hollow that formed round drops on either side and from which he would have loved to lick honey to taste afterward - and to listen to what songs this siren mastered when he struck other skills that had nothing to do with the rough side of a pirate. Her hands, a little shaky but still shimmering, handled his cheeks and his shoulders, sending a flicker through his belly that settled lower and pulsed as he brought his loins closer to her, pushed his hands back for a moment.... and gripped the round, plump apple butt a little tighter to lift her to him.

His lips settled on hers. Not gentle or restrained. An unsatisfied hunger that her sweet sugar mouth didn't even begin to appease. In one move, he slid his arm around her waist, captured the slender back, and spread his fingers to take up as much surface area as possible. His eyes didn't close; his mind didn't sink into the sticky honey on the sweet apple blossom - instead, he enjoyed the expression streaming across her face.

He took in everything he could reach. Soft shapes of gentle mounds, tantalizing that stung his loins as he explored every inch with relish while his lips feasted on her mouth in the greedy outgrowth of his shimmering overload. He didn't take what she offered, didn't knock slowly and patiently on the door, and did wait politely for her to meet him. She knew he was a bandit, not a prince, and she should quietly realize it. For that reason, he pushed the door open, coming to meet her and tasting the sweet nectar with a slightly salty tang from her tongue as he parted her lips.

His hand slid lower, tickling the soft curves of full breasts, sliding lower and stroking agonizingly away over her belly button, back to the side of her hips. The gentle sweep towards the seductive valley until his fingers almost reached the moist center where sensitive nerves came together under the enticing heat. His breath did not rattle but rose and fell lustily in his chest. He would leave her free to squirm, to push him away, or to scream if she willed it. But... they both knew that she wouldn't, just by how her body reacted to him. A sweet certainty that tightened with the stinging impulses in his womb, knowing the reaction of a woman's body yearning for its fulfilling counterpart. An instinct as old as the first land, the first man, and celebrated when their spirits did not reach over the horizon.

How often have feelings and lust opposed each other to discharge into another though no less consuming bang? Body inflamed by passion, a desire that overrode anger because it ate the dry wood as food. Sometimes, childhood acquaintances, in particular, could change in such a way. Those who were once pushed into the dirt and pulled by the hair suddenly wanted to touch them differently. In a place like here in Neverland, where there were few women and most of them among the Indians, he had to know what he was talking about. One knew his... Possibilities of the opposite sex from a young age and grew up with them. 

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