Chapter 6.4 - Filou 🌶️

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Experience... It dripped out of his pores and his posture and lay on him like a heavy, thick coat. Shield and burden in one. Unlike her, which lay unsullied and pliable in his fingers like a white silk cloth, leaving dark stains on it. He tasted it on his tongue, which brushed against hers, while she blinked for a moment and opened her eyes to meet his.

Just a slit, between which the luminous irises brushed with the new sensation he was giving her, peered out. Up to the near sweep of the tip of his nose, the darkly standing out beard that framed his mouth as he pressed his lips to her soft pads of kisses. They nestled against him, and she watched like a little voyeur, not getting enough of the stern lines that formed intently between his eyes against the twitch of the corners of his mouth.

The sound that escaped her, slipping over vocal cords and finally breaking on the warm air that pleasantly tempered the fire, was astonished, sighing and dying into a high-pitched whoop that wafted around somewhere between sobs, breaths, and a surprised yip. That sound stung his loins in a demanding way and, at the same time, set off all the alarm bells inside him...

The feeling made him tremble. Inwardly as well as outwardly. Then he jerked back. His chest rose and fell under the heavy breaths as his arms tightened around them. His eyes, however, he did not tear away from her.... watched her, every movement in her features. She parted her red lips, slightly swollen and shiny from his quick kiss. The expression in her eyes, every movement of her body...

Ah, damn siren... he knew he was playing with fire. Of course, he took more liberties than the other pirates, and Ah, he WAS a pirate, after all. And what was the saying?

' Where there is no judge, there is no executioner'?

She returned his gaze without averting it. She didn't whimper; maybe he had expected resistance. That she didn't... made something inside him a scratch. The strange scribbling of a too-sharp, too-angular expression inside him on a sheet of paper made for folding art and not for irritating thoughts like the one about his... Captain was now creeping into his mind.

Instead, he held still as her arms loosened, her fingers touching his cheeks. Soft fingertips, even more, dissolved from the water and warm, explored his face. They traced the stubble of his cheeks over which she stroked her thumb as if it were an unfamiliar fabric whose rough feel she did not yet know. Whose structure she wanted to fathom and for which she took her time. Meanwhile, his gaze scanned her changing expression, which suddenly appeared nervous and undirected. He saw the wrinkles her forehead subconsciously drew and how her neck jumped as she swallowed and pressed nervously in his arm against his body, a vague jerk she might not have noticed, an undirected movement that he intercepted with his own. And then that daring siren pulled him of her own accord into another kiss.

His hand loosened its secure hold beside her head. It slid to her cheek, stroking his splayed thumb to the left, with far more emphasis and unspoken longing than a few seconds before when he passed over her lips and parted them. He pressed her against him and half against the tub until every detail of her body pressed against his and did not, as before, let the oath of allegiance to Hook resonate in his mind in a half-cooked state.

Redemptively, his lips rubbed over hers, passing over them and conquering the fine sweep anew as he drowned against her. Closed eyes with long, dark lashes in a profound sweep. She was so beautiful that it took his breath away for a second - that the intensity of his hand reaching for her neck became a little jerkier, more erratic, than tenderly measured caution, and he forced tender muscles beneath to mold themselves into the new shape, for which he didn't have to utter a command. Her body did it automatically. Instinctively, she reached through as he kissed her, and he savored the feel of her hips beneath his as his tongue captured and explored hers with a sweet, heated promise. If she hadn't felt what she was doing to him before, she undoubtedly did now as he pressed against her, and the brutal rise pushed between them both as his hand emphatically drove down her thigh and stroked inside.

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