Cahpter 6.8 - Filou

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Darkness lay there like a wall of impenetrable fog. Billowing, murmuring, now and then drawing streaks in some places revealed that not only pure darkness could lie there. But as soon as one became aware of the shadows, those ghostly phantoms disappeared again. Frost lay on otherwise warm bark armor, whose needle crowns and leaf dresses trembled. But now the black clouds had broken, allowing warming rays of glowing morning sun to break through the fronts and fall into the world below.

IT did not wake, blinking from a deep slumber. It never slept deeply, never so soundly, with any of the pirates-and probably no other man beyond the mists. The beast twitched its nose, wrinkled it, and bared its teeth eagerly. A wild instinct long suppressed and placed in heavy iron chains, its eyes glittered greedily as the gleam of light fell upon the wearily blinking world.Deeply he inhaled - a man's natural primal instinct - smelling lust and arousal as her breath quivered hotly against his lips and her trembling beneath his fingers like a flick against crystal spilling waves. 

He tasted the spicy realization on his tongue: she wanted him... he could tell by how her chest rose and fell and the heat between her thighs throbbed against the almost painfully urgent tugging at his lands. It was in the air like its own subtle scent she gave off to override clear thoughts and gum up synapses before the honed lightning bolts could move through. Black fur bristled under the rivers of hot shivers as if a tantalizingly bloody piece of flesh had been thrown under its nose where abstinence and an unpredictable hunger had reigned for far too long.

This rebellion of heat... could be devastating in a barren, cold world. For her. And for himself. Once a first stone started rolling, it could stop after a few meters and again remain silent and without consequences. But much more often, especially when it rolled down a huge mountain, it carried others. A small stone became a wave, a connection of a new force that carried away everything under itself and brought it to collapse. A point that could not be stopped so quickly tore away rooted trees like heavy rocks and buried them under the force. But... not this time. This time the stone got caught between grass and other debris.

Chains rattled. Dark, heavy iron drove into his mind just as piercingly in its coldness, making the beast growl darkly. A sinister sound rolled across the razor-sharp teeth that gleamed dangerously in the light before it lowered itself back to its paws. Lurking, rumbling... Knowing there would be another, more appropriate moment.

He moved away from her, stepping back and putting distance between them. Though it wasn't cold, the air hit chill like ice water over him, prickling over his skin and making his hands twitch with the instinct to return to her- and continue what they had started. But this... was not a dream. Even if Neverland invited quickly, forgetting-especially what was at stake-this wasn't a cotton candy world of bright colors and rivers of sweet milk, and it hadn't been for a long time. There was no smell of cotton candy in the air, no flower meadows full of bright colors that turned the deepest, darkest night into a sea of color.

Filou looked at her; his eyes darkened with desire, the throbbing in his veins full of ardor and fire. Rushing like a river in which he just clung broken fingers to some roots. The last time a woman... wrong - a girl - had been in Neverland, she brought a devastating mess to this world. Empty hearts ached for a mother, for attention like only women could give. Gentle fingers, soft voices, stories, and a warmth that only the presence of women could provide. Today... many things were different. Longing for security was still there - but the darkness of the fading star had pushed other, corrupted desires forward and let the childlike innocence fade.

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