Chapter 6.5 - Fiona

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Was there such a thing as a higher power? A higher power that drove each little sheep into the mouth of its wolf and protected some in turn from the sharp rice teeth? Who decided which wolf had to starve and which sheep was doomed to die? Filou the wolf... she the sheep - why couldn't it be the other way around?

The world was rarely fair, and especially in Neverland, the view seemed far more logical that one had to provide for any balance one wished for oneself. But Fiona hadn't been here long enough to know that; she didn't yet know the simple twists and turns of this cosmos, and as little did she suspect that it was her innocence that attracted many black hearts. The little speck of light on which Neverland had not yet been able to leave inkblots.

She had survived the sea, its creatures, the sharp rocks, and the icy water. So far, even the pirates, but that remained to be seen. How long would it be before death and horror stained even her pure soul? Greedy fingers could not only bend a flower but also break it off entirely, and if one did not gently reach out to look at the pretty flower head, it was possible that the flower would never open its leaves again.

Fiona underestimated the danger posed by this man... didn't know his board position or reputation, and it was better that way. Perhaps she would have frozen in fear had she learned that he was the bloody right hand of Captain James Hook. Ah, no doubt she would have backed away to the tub's edge, fighting back or at least expecting him to try to take her. But instead? Fiona took him for a simple sailor whose rank was roughly that of an officer. Or something similar? She only knew a little about the hierarchy on board... especially not on a pirate ship. Were there even fixed ranks here?

Indeed, because somehow, even murdering looters had to organize themselves. But Fiona expected a more complex structure, and she merely hoped that Filou occupied a position high enough to afford her some protection. With that in mind, slender hands peaked into his hair, reaching in and playing with the coal-black waves that nestled softly and firmly around her fingers. Filou pushed her tighter against the tub, letting her feel every muscle under her clothes... Fiona could barely suppress the soft sigh against his lips. She let him, pushing the little game higher by itself as her tongue nudged at his, and she accepted the unspoken challenge. All at once, the sudden closeness felt less...threatening.

A slight tremor ran through her thighs as Filou slid his hands lower, sending them wandering. She shivered slightly under the touch, fighting the pleasant tugging of muscles and trying not to let herself be... so rattled. But try as she might push it away, the pirate had ignited something inside her. A soft-sounding longing that now burst forth with unexpectedly persistent flames, setting Fiona's veins on fire. She barely noticed that the air no longer felt cold, and the coppery skin beneath hers had heated up just as quickly.

All of this felt new, well new, and the urge to taste more was hard to fight back. Too quickly, the smoldering sparks in both souls found dry grass to ignite: loneliness and longing, the desire for freedom, and an oppressive desire.

Fiona tensed under his searching hands, and as his loins pressed against her hips, the soft, mournful sound laced with impatience and restlessness escaped her. But he did not release her from the tight embrace, provoking her tense senses even more, and sensually continued to subject her to this sweet torture. Prompted by Filou's kisses, Fiona let her fingertips wander through his hair and tousled a few strands. Soft shapes nestled against a hard chest, soaking the linen fabric with soapy water and leaving sinful marks on his clothes. Filou's taste, the way his body felt on hers... it was deliciously new, like the deadly sweet nectar of a poisonous plant that lured its prey with its beguiling scent. Unstoppable and so enchantingly naive, the butterfly fluttered into it, tasting of it, yet not realizing until too late how the cage closed around it forever.

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