Chapter 6.9 - Filou

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The key slid into the lock that was rarely used. It snagged a bit and didn't slide in smoothly but jerked before the click pushed the latch back. As the door to the bathroom swung open again, cool air wafted inside. Steam swirled, made waves, and fled from the door into the room, where it tossed restlessly. A little drew out of the open window in exchange for cold night air that carried in the smell of the sea, where it mingled with the herbs. His head tilted slightly to the side when he saw HOW the young woman was standing there. With her arms folded, like a siren that had washed ashore... beautiful- with a startling flash in her eyes.

"I won't let you or anyone else take everything away!" "I had no say in this, in any of it. And it's unfair. And I'm not going to accept it. I'm not going to choose. Not between you and the Captain, and not between anyone else. Because this is MY life, and it doesn't belong to YOU or anyone else!" (Fiona)

Filou didn't respond at first... then he heaved a sigh that resonated in a mixture of resignation and... Pity. He had expected nothing less. A kitten extending its claws and setting up its fur, hoping to intimidate a larger opponent with a few squeaking leaps. It was supposed to be intimidating, yet Filou couldn't help but find it... instead. Cute.

"In this world, the stronger ones decide. You HAVE no say here, and you take what you want here." He enlightened her.

Ah, poor girl. She still had not understood in which situation she was. Wherever she came from, however, the laws and power relations there might be knitted - here, it was different. They would hold her roughly and harshly while they peeled the dress off her body. Hook would not allow the jewel to be soiled, after all. And then one or two, maybe even three, would push her squirming body to the ground while another took his pleasure in her. She might cry, plead, scream.... in vain. Perhaps some would not join in, but these mercies would not have enough. By the time they were done with her, nothing would be left of the glow in her eyes. She would probably have no strength; no spirit left to scream or cry. She would not be the first to meet that fate... and she would not be the last (to his regret). Whether she thought it was fair or not, no one would care as little as her opinion or her will. That was the cold, cruel reality.

"But all right now." 

She had made her choice.

He had... honestly hoped it would be different. At the same time, he had already guessed inside himself what her decision would be. He had seen the fiery flicker behind her eyes that spoke of a hidden power now seeping outward. But it would not be enough. Her strength was no more than an arrowhead of copper, soon to shatter against the steel armor. Filou expelled air between his teeth.

"Here are clothes. Get dressed." He calmly instructed as he set the cloth on the wooden chair and crossed his arms in front of his chest again- like the iron guard he was—Hook's right hand.

Green fabric poured like liquid water from dark grass to the wooden floorboards and shimmered in the dull light. The steam turned the fabric a touch darker, but by now, enough of the heat had been drawn out that it wouldn't make it clammy. In a short, jerky movement, he tossed her a large linen towel hanging on an iron hook so she could dry off and not have to slip her wet skin into the fabric. He waited more or less patiently. No more than a light tap of his fingertips on his arms betrayed that he would not give her forever.

Where radiant heat had smoldered between them before, flared by rapid fire and suppressed desire, the cool sea air seemed to float between them. As chilled as it might appear, however, it was not. The uncertainty of what lot awaited them made him more restless and restless than it should. Filou persuaded himself that it was the effect of a woman, just as Neverland's seductive red poppies had an intoxicating effect on every living spirit at the Indian's territory. However, he knew of the danger slumbering in them. When she had donned the undergarment and wrapped the harness of the corset around the slender body, he approached her without polite restraint to reach for the laces.

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