Chapter 5.1 - Luke

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Nervously, she clung to the edge of the small boat that swayed over the waves. Again and again, when the waves hit the small nutshell, the slender figure narrowed her eyes a little and held her breath. But the waves tried in vain to push the ship inland again because powerful strokes of the oars carried the boat further out in the direction of the dark shadow. To where the Jolly Roger towered above the surface of the water like a crown on the head of a king. Luke's stomach rebelled, squeezing a little in dissatisfaction, and she tried to push away the oppressive feeling and fear of capsizing. Instead of sitting on the seat planks like the pirates, she crouched in the forward section in the bow at Hook's feet, her legs bent and pressing against the wood of the ship.

Her fingers clung to the edge as if her life depended on it. It was only a comparatively gentle swell. Only small obstacles broke through the dinghy, which moved incredibly quietly next to the sound of sliding waves and the oars that rose and fell again in a silent rhythm into the waters. Still, the swaying evoked sinking nausea in her that, together with her dark thoughts rolling her situation back and forth like a mismatched puzzle piece, pushed her mood to a new low. 

Out of the corner of her eye, she could feel the pirates' gazes on her. Murderousness, bloodlust, hatred, vengefulness. She could imagine what they would have liked to do to her. Just pushing her into the water would be the most merciful variant. Her gaze slid back nervously. Over the waves to the beach, where the fog slowly engulfed the white foothills and the treetops behind them rose like a sinister cliff. It was only a fleeting thought that made her eyes slide to the surface of the water breaking against the boat. No... jumping was not an option. Not here.

If she tried... What would be faster? The current that could pull them out or push them against the reefs littered with boneyards? The crocodiles that would maul her? Or would she simply sink like a stone because she could do no more than paddle helplessly in the water? The pirates would certainly be delighted if she jumped. Then they could watch as she desperately tried to paddle in the direction of the beach... And eventually, just get pulled under the water. The waters of the deceptively beautiful cove teemed with crocodiles, and not just because the wide arm of Crocodile Creek emptied into Cannibal Cove here. 

Knowing that the pirates often had a treat or two left over for the bloodthirsty creatures, the dark sisters of the mermaids also prowled here: sirens. The fishwives, who were the subject of countless stories and whom sailors rightly feared like the devil incarnate, would have few qualms about dragging a little pup like them paddling in the waters underwater and feasting on their flesh. Rumor has it that not even the soulless creatures dared not come close to Hook because he was so depraved that even sirens feared him. 

Or maybe they just lived by the motto, you don't bite the hand that feeds you? Luke didn't know. And she certainly wasn't going to find out. Maybe if the pirates threw her in the water, it would attract the creatures. And with or without Hook, the dinghy would be anything but safe for the pirates with the fog and night coming on, too. Presumably, that alone was what kept the pack from adding another gnawed skeleton to Cannibal Cove's gruesome beach ornament.

A shiver ran down her spine, and a muscle on her jaw tensed as she clenched her teeth, trying not to let the creeping fear in her limbs poison her. TOO much courage like too much fear made one foolish and inattentive. Still, she kept feeling the nervous shiver that slid into her limbs when the pirates stirred. Restless predators, just waiting for the silent command to finally maul their prey. Fingers closing and spreading around the hilts of weapons, flashing eyes full of darkness, and an unspoken incomprehension that escaped her because she just hadn't grasped some of the details of this world yet.

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