Chapter Five

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It's beginning to get darker, and the sun is starting to set behind the monastery. Still sitting in my room with Harumi, I stare out the window, completely lost in thought. The guys and Nya have been out on patrol for the past few hours, and I stayed behind to sit with Harumi. She had been asleep for the past few hours, and the sun was starting to set. I had stayed with her the entire day. I think that me being there helped her to feel safe.

I hear a knock at the door and my mom comes in my room with a plate of food. "The ninja just returned from patrol. P.I.X.A.L and I made dinner and we thought that you would probably want to eat in here so you can stay with Harumi." I smiled and grinned at her while she handed me a plate of noodles, some bread, and a glass of water. She sat down beside me.

"You know mom," I say turning to look at her, "It was so easy to forgive her for what she did to me. It sounds weird, but thinking I lost her when the building collapsed made me wish I had the chance to tell her that I forgave her." I sigh.

My mom looks at me with a understanding look. "It's easy to hold onto anger like Harumi did and not forgive the people that have hurt you. Once you loose them, you never get the chance to tell them that you forgive them, or that you care about them."

I nod, taking in her words.

I turn to my dinner and the realization that Harumi might be hungry pops into my mind.

"Do you think she would be up to eating anything, or at least drinking some water? P.I.X.A.L was able to get her to drink a little last night, but she hasn't had any since then. Who knows how long it's been since she ate. At least a few days."

"I think you can definitely try." My mom says and I stand up, carrying the glass of water over to her.

"Rumi." I whisper gently, and push her bangs out of her eyes. She inhales sharply and shifts her position in her sleep before opening her eyes and giving me a small smile.

"Rumi, you you think that you can drink some water? It's been a while since you last had some. It might help you feel a little better." I say looking hopeful.

She nods at me and tries to move herself to sit in an upright position. I quickly move my left arm behind her back and place my right hand on her shoulder to offer her some support. With my help, she is able to sit up. She winces.

"Where are you hurting Rumi?" I ask, feeling sorry for her as I looked at her face filled with pain.

"Just my cuts and my whole body is pretty sore, but I'll be fine." She says. I see her trying very hard not to show that she is hurting. I can tell that she is trying to be tough. I know she thinks she has to fight alone, but I want to be there for her.

I hand her the glass of water, and help her tip it so she can take a sip.

"I'm going to go help clean up from dinner." My mom says as she stands up and starts to head towards the door. "If either of you need anything, let me know. And Harumi, please try to eat something." She says with a smile. Harumi and I both smile and nod as my mom leaves my room. I hand Harumi the glass again, and help her take another sip.

"You know Harumi, you don't always have to act so tough. Not around me."

She looks down at her hand and then back up at me. "I'm not trying to. Really. I'm fine. Well, I will be soon." She says quickly.

"What's wrong Rumi? You know you can tell me. Sometimes, it helps to talk about things. I have a hard time with that so I understand you and how you're feeling." I say gently.

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