Chapter Seven

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My sword clashes against Kai's, and the sound of the swords bounce off the walls of the monastery. He blocks my sword and quickly moves to the opposite side of the courtyard. I summon my elemental power and green energy appears in my hands as I drop the sword. Kai does the same, summoning his element of fire, and we both start dodging the flames of fire and orbs of energy. I transition into Spinjitzu, with Kai quickly following my lead, as to not be caught off guard. We both spin towards each other, and eventually clash, causing both of us to break out of our Spinjitzu, and fly backwards.

"Ow!" I exclaim as my head hits the ground and I land on my back. I start to sit up but am quickly pushed back down by the foot that has stepped on my chest, belonging to Kai.

"Ha!" He shouts triumphantly, as I look at him from the ground unamused. He moves his foot off my chest and holds out his hand to help me pull me up off the ground.

I grab his hand, and he pulls me up. I rub the back of my head, which is sore from falling out of my Spinjitzu.

"Thanks." I say looking at him and rolling my eyes. "Where are the others? It's been an hour. We're already done with our training, but they haven't even started. It's nearly noon."

"I'll bet you that Cole and Jay are inside playing video games. Zane told me he was going to catch up with Master Wu, your mom, and P.I.X.A.L. He wanted to check out the scrolls and architecture of the Serpentine too. He got his training done yesterday. Overachiever." Kai says with a laugh crossing his arms. "Nya said she would be out as soon as she finishes a new upgrade on her motorcycle. I'm guessing that's going to take her a while."

I nod, and squint looking up at the sun. It was definitely going to be a hot day. Training had been especially rough because of the blazing sun and heat.

"I'm going to head in and get some water." I say to Kai, pushing my sweaty bangs out of my face.

"Alright. You go on ahead." Kai says and walks over to pick up his sword. "I'm going to go find Nya and help her train for her hour. It's been a while since her and I have spent some time together."

I smile and nod, pick up my sword, and walk into the monastery, headed for the kitchen. There is a faint smell of the pancakes that Harumi and I made this morning. The memory brings a smile to my face. I walk through the hallway, and stand in the doorframe of the game room. Of course, Cole and Jay were playing a video game.

"Oh Lloyd! Come play!" Jay says excitedly. "I am dominating Cole."

"Don't listen to him." Cole says looking aggravated as he grips the controller tightly and stares at the screen. "I am about to destroy him."

"I thought you guys were supposed to be training." I say with a laugh. "Kai and I just got done. Master Wu is going to kill you."

"I know! We just have to finish this level." Jay says concentrating on the game.

"More like I have to finish beating you." Cole says as he tries to grab Jay's controller.

"Ha! In you dreams Cole!" Jay says moving his controller away from him.

I laugh and continue to walk to the kitchen to get some water. I reach the kitchen and open the cupboard, grabbing a glass, and I fill it up with water. Water always tastes better on a hot day after training. I set the glass down and my thoughts wonder to the sleeping Harumi in my room. She might be thirsty when she wakes up. I'll bring her some water. I grab another cup from the cupboard and fill it up. With the cup in hand, I head to my room.

I quietly open the door and walk over to the bed to set the cup on the nightstand beside the bed. Harumi moves slowly and her eyes flutter open. She turns and smiles at me.

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