Part 5

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"You wanna mix it walker"I asked with the spoon in my hand

"YESSS" he said as he snatched the spoon out of my hands

After he mixed a hit he called me over

"Kateee come here" I yelled

"I'm coming hold on" I said as I put down my phone

And just when I got there he spread some brownie mix on my face

"WALKER SCOBELL OH I AM SO GETTING YOU BACK FOR THAT" I said as I grabbed a hand full of flour while walker was laughing at how mad I was that mother fucker then right when he was gonna stop laughing I slapped his face with a hand full of flour

Now it was all over his clothes and hair but he looked so cute why am I saying this stuff I can't like walker and then my thoughts where interrupted by walker hugged me and getting flour all over my clothes too

"WALKER" I screamed as we both grabbed a hand full of flour

"Come on Katy now I'm totally getting you back for this" he said as he then came running towards me to hug me and pick me up so he can rub all the flour on his shirt on me

"I hate you scobell" I said as I crossed my arms but I had an Idea so I grabbed an egg and-

"GOT YOU WALKIE TALKIE" I said as I cracked an egg on walkers head and it dripped down to his face

"Kate Kamile Reynolds" is all he said before he tackled me on the floor and started ticking me

I was now just a laughing mess on the floor

"Walker walker st-o-op" I said while laughing

"Only if you say sorry Katy"he said as he continued to tickle me

"O-o-k OK I'll say it j-u-ss-t Stop" I said as I giggled

"Ok then" walker said as he stopped tickling me Our faces now where like 5 inches apart

"I'm sorry walker" I said As walker smelt my minty fresh breath

Then the oven dinged and we both got up
(Ik Ik cheesy right)

"Walker can you get some drinks ima take the brownies out" I said

"Sure" he said as he went to the fridge

Then I looked down at the floor and realized all the mess we made omg it's 6:54pm they get back at 8 or 9



"We gotta clean this up before my dad gets back blake wouldn't mind but I know he will" I said while pointing at the floor and out clothes then looking back at walker

"Ok ok so first we take out the brownies then we clean and then we change and go watch Deadpool till you- till Ryan and Blake come back" he said while looking at me

"Ok good plan Scobell"

"Thank you very much miss Reynolds" he said while bowing to me As I laughed

I then went to grab something to not burn my self when I grab the brownies" then I heard a little scream behind me and something drop

And of course it was walker's dum ass who grabbed the burning hot pan so I ran to him to see if he was ok

"Oh my god walker are you ok" I said as I grabbed his hand as walker blushed when I did

"Yup just burns a little" he said as he winced when I grabbed it a little to hard

"No walker come with me" I said as a pulled him with me by his other hand and we both blushed this time

We then went to my room where I found a little first aid kit

"Walker go sit on the bed" I said as a grabbed the first aid kit and brought it to where he was sitting down

"Give me your hand" I asked nicely as I sat down and made eye contact with him

And then he gave me his hand as a grabbed it gently and opened a packet of something to help numb the pain and fix it

"What is that" walker asked nervously as he pointed to the packet

"Don't worry walker it's not gonna burn and I'll give your bobo a kiss just incase" I said jokingly as i kissed his hand

Word count- 751


Young actor's love [ The Adam project] walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now