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We finally got of the plane and we're now getting into a rental "hey Kate what you wanna do today" walker asked as he got on the seat next to

"Probably get an energy drink or something that will keep me awake and alive first since we haven't slept" I said as walker laughed

"Where are we staying?" Walker asked

"An airbnb somewhere" I said

"K-hey mister Reynolds can we sleep for a bit where we get there" walker asked my dad

"Yeah sure but I'm going to talk with the directors at 12 so be awake by then"my dad said while we pulled up somewhere

"Wait are we going to be alone" I asked


I look at walker and asked him if we should go to the store or somewhere while he's gone "hey dad can you leave us money for food" I asked

"Sure I'll leave $60"

"Thanks dad" "thanks" me and walker said as we pulled up to the Airbnb

After we finally got inside me and walker went to choose where we would stay there was 2 floors 4 bedrooms a big pool outside and a little secret area "did you find your room" I asked walker

"Yup come on in" walker said as he opened his door which was right across from mine

"I'm so tired" I said as I took of my shoes and belly flopped on his bed

"Me to" he said as he did the same and right after laying for 5 minutes I was passed out cold

"Kateeee" walker said trying to see if I was awake

I guess she really was tired is she cold? She looks so peace full and pretty-wait what I gotta control these teenage hormones I swear maybe she is cold!

"Uhh it's pretty cold in here" walker said as he got he blanket and put it over them both

"Good night kinda" was the last thing walker said before he fell asleep right next to Kate

A/N sorry for the short chapter I've been busy

Young actor's love [ The Adam project] walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now