Part 17

653 11 4

On set

"The always go way to up when they be doing my covid test" I said laughing as me and walker set in my trailer together

"RIGHT" but I'm a man I can take ir walker said confidently

"Sure Scobell" I said with a giggle

"What Im becoming a man now" he said sitting up straight

"You sound like some kid from those movies" I said laughing at him

"Wow ok Reynolds" walker said sarcastically while rolling his eyes playfully

"It's ok Scobell one day" I said sighing

"Anyways wanna practice our lines one more time before our first take" walker said nervously

(Walkers Pov)

"Oh shit Shawn's calling me"

Think I'm gonna faint this is fucking scary I don't wanna answer but if I don't that would be ever worse I can't ignore Shawn's call he's Shawn levy ugh walker stop over thinking this just anwser.

"Hey" i said

hey who tf says hey

"Walker I just wanted to talk to you about something that we changed in the script I've already informed Ryan to tell Kate don't worry"

"Oh ok umm what is it?"

"You and Kate now have a kissing scene."

"WHAT" I said panicking

Oh shit I said that out loud too

"Is everything all right walker I mean we can take it out-

"NO- umm no it's all right thanks for telling me umm bye Shawn" I said panicking yet again

Why did I say no so quick? Did I wanna kiss her- well maybe I did...

"Alright bye walke-

With that I just hung up I didn't even really hear what Shawn was saying- oh I just hung up on The Shawn Levy..
"Did a 13 year old just hang up on me?" Shawn said laughing

Young actor's love [ The Adam project] walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now