Part 8

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A/n of topic but have u guys seen the new secret headquarters trailer

I then turned to look at him but he turned his head to look up at the sky again

"Ok well here's so keys scobell" I said as I threw him the keys which he did not catch

"Ow I wasn't even looking"

"To bad now hurry up its cold"

"Ok ok I got it let's go " walker said as he closed the trunk

"Hey kids we're leaving in 20 minutes so-wait is the my shirt scobell" my dad said as he pointed at walkers shirt


"Dad it's fine he got his shirt dirty and you're a millionaire and worried about one shirt" I said as I rolled my eyes

"Ok whatever get your stuff ready bye kids" my dad said as he walked up stairs

"Ok ima go get my charger and headphones Wanna come"

"Yeah sure" walker said as he followed my up the stairs

"Wanna go wait in the living room and watch something on my phone"

"Yeah also can we share headphones I kinda forgot mine" walker said nervously

"Yeah of course" I said as I smiled

"Let's go school bell"

At the living room

"What do you wanna watch" walker asked

"Wait sorry walker my friend Jadens calling"

"Oh no it's fine" walker said a bit jealous of whoever Jaden (he was 14 at this time ;)

"Hey what's up" I said while walker got out the shot because we where on face time

"Oh nothing just bored and heard you where going away"

"Yeah but we can still call Dum ass"

"Yeah I know I know-wait who's that" jaden asked as he saw a bit of walkers face because he was grabbing his phone

"Oh this is walker" I said moving this camera to him

"Hey" walker said shyly as he waved

"He's so fucking Cute bro" I thought.

Then we talked for 15 minutes and walker started to like him a bit

"WALKER KATE WE'RE LEAVING LETS GO" my dad shouted from down stairs

"OK DAD WE'RE READY" I shouted back

"Do you guys always scream this much to communicate" walker asked sarcastically

"I mean It's a really big house" I said as I shrugged my shoulders As walker laughed

"K let's go kiddos" my dad said as he made his way down with Blake

"Bye Kit kat" Blake said as she hugged me

"Bye Blake" I said as I waved and closed the door But just before I did I saw her wink at me

In the car

"Hey walker wanna watch how I met your mother" I asked as I took out my headphones

"Sure but what is that?"

"WHAT" I said as I gasped dramatically

"You don't know what that is we are watching all nine season right now walkie talkie"

"Ok ok Kit Kat" walker said as he laughed and winked at me

"I hate you now shut up and put on the headphones Scobell"

"Whatever you say Reynolds"

Young actor's love [ The Adam project] walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now