Part 18

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"Sure- wait are you nervous scobell" I said smirking

"What-tt nooo why would I be nervous we're just reading our lines" he said smiling

"Sureee" I said smiling
Turns out she had also received a call a bit after walker
Oh shit Shawn's calling me

"Kate i just wanted to inform you that you and walker have a kissing scene now I told your dad but I'm pretty sure he didn't tell you"

WE HAVE A FUCKING KISSING SCENE.I'm literally gonna die.I've gotta stay calm I can't let Shawn know
I wanted this to happen wait? I did ok, now I'm confusing myself

"Yeah he didn't but thanks for letting me know"

"No problem bye Kate see you-"

I was to busy focusing on my thoughts I didn't even notice Shawn was still talking shit
"Seriously another teenager hung up on me I guess I am getting old" Shawn said laughing

"At least Kate seemed to take it better than Walker seems like he's got a crush"
A while after reading lines

"Walker ","Kate" Me and walker both said in unison

"Umm you can go First " Walker said while nervously playing with his hands and looking down

"Did Shawn already tell you we had a kissing scene?" I asked blushing a bit

"Ye-ah that's what I was gonna tell you" Walker said while looking up at me I swear I saw him blushing also

"Oh well it won't be a problem right? I mean we're just friends." I said

Wait why tf would I say JUST FRIENDS WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME NO HE'LL THINK I FRIEND ZONED HIM FUCK now all the chances of him liking me back are down the drain

Did I just get friend zoned? I really hope not but I thought there was a small chance she liked me back. Walker though as he frowned when she said that

Young actor's love [ The Adam project] walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now