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(Ur pov again)

I don't know why but I felt calm and comfortable in walkers arms so we stayed like that for a bit I think I might like this boy.

"Walker I think I'm ok now can we just go find Armie" I asked looking up at walker

"Yeah of course come" he said as he held out a hand for me

"Hey Armie can u have someone pay for these things or something while we wait in the car please" I asked Armie

"Yeah of course here are the keys and I got some candy in the front if you kids want any" he said while smiling

"K thanks Armie"I said

"Let's go scobell" I said as I grabbed his hand

In the car

"Walker come here" I said pulling him closer to me

"Yess" he said looking at my phone

"Leta see some fan pages of me on Twitter cuz I'm bored"

"K Oooo what's this one" he said as he clicked on a tweet"

@kateefan101 - im so exited for the adam project trailer drops February 8th
There's also been so photos of the cast 🤭 so exited here are the photos

@kateefan101 - im so exited for the adam project trailer drops February 8th There's also been so photos of the cast 🤭 so exited here are the photos

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(Pretending that's them)

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(Pretending that's them)

They look so cute together I ship💗💗💗
#katereynolds #walkerscobell #wate

"Oh shit" i said while eating candy

"They're shipping us now we even have a ship name the movies not even out yet" walker said

"Well we officially made it because people are shipping us now" I said laughing a bit

"Wait till they find out about the kissing scene" walker said

"THERES A KISSING SEEN" I said surprised

"...they didn't tell you" walker said


Young actor's love [ The Adam project] walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now