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"Well I just blew it" I said to Momona while on call

"KATE u have got to stop overthinking this he LIKES YOU I mean who wouldn't!" Momona said

Maybe she's right

"I said we're just friends PRETTY SURE I BLEW IT"

"Girl HE LIKES YOU he got jealous over jaden remember totally likes you but anyways I gotta go byeee BAEEEE"


Maybe she's right. I'm kinda bored now though maybe walker's awake let me check if he's active on tiktok. HE IS im gonna go to his room and try to fix this

Walker's Pov

"Dude I think I got friend zoned" walker said as he face planted onto his pillow

"IM SURE SHE LIKES YOU BACK maybe she's didn't mean to friend zone you" javon said on the other end of the phone

"How do you not mean to friend zone somebody.she probably likes that guy Jaden she was on the phone with last time" walker said as he rolled his eyes

"Im 100% sure your better then whoever this jaden guy is walker maybe you should like flirt with her or at least act like you have a crush on her. Instead of just thinking about her all day. Actions speak more than words man"

Dam maybe hes right i have to act like it not just think it.

"Wow javon your relationship advice actually sounds like it would work thank you BYEEE JAAVON"

"Wait what-
Javon POV

"HEY JAVON I NEED YOUR ADVICE" my brother screamed from the kitchen

People should really start paying me for this

"Yeah what's up bro" I said sitting down at the kitchen bar

"I need your help with girl advice-

"Oooooo a girl JADEN HAS A CRUSH" I said laughing

"Dude just help me out please" jaden said looking up at him

"Fine fine what's up" i said getting a water from the fridge

"I like this girl but I think she likes someone else" jaden said while looking down

"Why would you think that?" I asked

"He posted her and she's posted him" jaden said while looking up again

"Dude is it that girl you always call with? Kate l LOVEEE her " I asked  smiling

Kate was also of course my friend she help me get a girlfriend thank good for her.


"I always hear you guys talk trust me I know she would like you back Jaden"

"Thanks javon" Jaden said as he left to go to his room

"Im hungry" I said as I went to get my chips

It's kinda weird that Walker likes a girl named  Kate and so does Jaden so weird and walkers crush was taking to a guy named Jaden... wait oh shit. I'm so fucking dumb

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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Young actor's love [ The Adam project] walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now