Part 15

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At the house

As me and walker walked into the kitchen we saw my dad their stairing at me with those ur in trouble eyes oh no.

"Well kids you had one job" "now we're gonna have paparazzi looking for you at every corner"
"There's already a thousand articles"

"Sorry dad"I said looking down

"Sorry Ryan" walker said nervously

"It's ok don't worry I know you guys are just kids just please be more careful or wear some disguises"

"Ok we'll be more careful sorry again dad"

"Yeah sorry"walker said looking up at my dad

"It's ok Kit Kat and Scobell you didn't know any better"

"Hey atleast you made to the point where people are shipping you two" my dad said as we all laughed

"Dad can we get McDonald's" I said getting on the stole next to walker

"Sure what do you guys want"

"Can we get...2 happy meals please" I said while looking at walker to see if he wanted one

"With what?"

"A double cheese burger" I said looking through my insta

"Same" walker said

"Ok well you kids can go to your room the food will be on the way" my dad said smiling at us

"K come on Scobell" I said

At Kate's room

"OOooo let's watch a movie"I said getting on my bed

"Sure what movie" walker said also getting on my bed

"Hmm what about comedy"

"Sure wanna watch Deadpool" walker said smiling at me

"No Scobell never again" I said laughing

"WE SHOULD WATCH 13 GOING ON 30" I said excitedly

"Ok ok calm down" walker said laughing

"Hey kids woah Scobell don't try anything with my daughter I'll have your head" my dad said as he walked in with our food

"O-h sorry I wasn't gonna try anything" walker said scooting away from me a bit

"Dad you're gonna scare him away" I said giving him the death stare

"Well here's your food kids and I'm watching you Scobell" my dad said as he gave us our food  and kept eye contact with walker

"Bye dad" I said glaring at him

"Bye Kit Kat" my dad said smiling at me as he closed the door

"Sorry about him"I said opening my happy meal

"It's ok but I'm terrified now" he said as I laughed

Young actor's love [ The Adam project] walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now