Part 12

745 13 1

At target

"ok I'm just gonna stand here incase any fans come by but you guys can just look around here for now call me if you wanna go anywhere else" Armie said as he smiled at me and walker

(Btw he's not dressed in all black like those body guards so he just looks like he's a guy at target

"K  thanks armie" I said as I smiled at him and grabbed walker

"What should we get" walker asked while following me and looking at stuff

"Lights , blankets , snacks and decorations" I said

"K well wanna look for some blankets first" walker asked

"Yess let me ask Armie if we can get a cart"

"Armieee can we go get a cart"

"Yeah hold on" he said as he pulled us a cart

"Thanks where gonna go to the blankets by the way"

"Ok let's go" Armie said smiling

"Ooooo Spider-Man" walker said as he pulled out a spider man blanket

"We Need it" I said smiling

"OH MY GOD" I said as I ran to the next section

"WHATT" walker said as he followed me

"Squishmelos WE NEED THEM ALL" I said as I started looking at all of them

"YESSS" walker said excitedly

"Ok I think we got enough" I said looking at our cart with 10 squishmelos

"Totally we should go try to find led lights" walker said

"Yeah let me go tell Armie"



"Let's go where gonna go try to find led lights"

"All right I'll follow you kids over their"

"K thanks armie"

"Come on walker lets gooo" I said as I grabbed his arm

"After this wanna get snacks im hungry" walker said following me

"We can go get something at the Starbucks in here if you want" I said  while checking my phone

"Yesss pleaseeee"walker said

"Oh no" I said as I stopped walking

"What is it" walker said worryingly

"They know where we are"


"We need to go hid somewhere before paparazzi sworm us"

"Ok I'm gonna go tell Armie"

"Thanks walker" I said smiling at him

"No problem" he said as he walked up to Armie


"What's up kid"

"They know where Kate is we gotta go"

"Oh no I'll go try to call the target security you kids go hid"

"Ok thanks Armie" walker said as he ran back to me

"It's ok Kate he said he's calling target security"

"Ok let's go find somewhere to hide and look at stuff"

Young actor's love [ The Adam project] walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now