Part 7

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"I GOT THE BROWNIES AND DRINKS"I yelled as I walked into my room

"And I got Deadpool ready"walker said while lying on my bed as I jumped on it too

"K here's your apple juice mister" I said while handing him his drink and putting mine on my bedside table as he pressed play

I then watched as walker recited my dads monologue while laughing

Maybe I am falling for this guy.

One Deadpool movie later

"Hey walker I think my parents are here" I say as I hear a car pull up"

"K let's go downs stairs to put this stuff away" he said pointing to the brownies plate  and empty glasses of apple juice and Pepsi

"K" I said while getting up putting on my shoes and getting my glass

While walker got his glass and then we both reached to get the plate (our hands didn't touch like those cheese movies though)

"Oh it's fine I got" I said while holding the plate

"Nah it's fine I got" walker said while holding the other side of the plate


"Kateeee I seriously got it ok now let's go" he said as he grabbed the plate I let go of and went to the door

"Ok" I said as I rolled my eyes and walker smiled

"Hey guys"Blake said as we got down stairs and then James came not hugg my legs

"Hiiiii Kate"she said as she looked up at me

"Hiii James" i said as I picked her up while walker just looked at me dreamily

Aw they're so cute Kate's so cute... walker thought

"Who's that" James said while point at walker as my parents said they where going up stairs with sleeping inez and Betty

"This is walker" I said while Turing around to face walker while carrying James

"Hi James" he said smiling at us

"Are you guys dating cuz that's gross" James said. As me and walker both laughed

Wait why is she laughing she probably doesn't feel the same way or just laughing at what James said uhhh Walker get it together

Why is he laughing wait why do I care maybe I do care.

"Can we go upstairs to play before you leave please and you can bring walker" James said while giving me puppy eyes that she also gave walker

"Ok let's go" walker said excitedly while I was looking at him

"Ok fine James but I am not carrying you up all those stairs"

"Please" she said as she looked up at me with puppy eyes

"James-" I then got cut of my walker

"I can carry you James if that's ok" walker said as he smiled at her awkwardly I think I've figured out what each of his smiles mean so far

"Yayyy thank you walker" she said as she smiled and went up to him

"K let's go then" I said as I smiled at walker

"Walker you know you didn't have to carry her" I said as we made it to the top

"No no it's fine"walker said as we reached James room

"KATE LOOK AT THE NEW TOY I GOT" James said as she pulled me to her toy area I just smiled at walker and mouthed sorry and he just gave me a thumbs up and mouthed "it ok"

After playing with James for a bit with walker

"Kate I'm tired" James said as she yawned and lead in to my shoulder

"Ok let's get you to bed" I said as I picked her up

"Walker can you move the sheets"

"Yeah sure" he said as he walked to James bed

"Good night James" I said as I put her in her bed

Wow can't believe I'm saying this but I just keep falling for her more every minute I spend with her.

"Walker wanna go down stairs to watch tv before we leave" I said as we walked out James room

"Yeah sure, wait when do we leave again"

"In like 30 minutes"

"K is your luggage already in the car so we can bring it down?" Walker asked

"Nope it's already in the car with yours"

"Do you mind if we go get my backpack from the car I left my hoodie in there" Walker asked nervously

"Yeah sure let me just get the keys" I said as I went into the kitchen

"Let's go" I said as i walked to the front door with walker right behind me

"Woah the sky's so pretty" I said as I looked up the sky as we walked out

"Yeah it is." Walker said

But he wasn't staring at the sky he was staring at me

"Yeah it's beautiful" he said while still looking at me.

Word count 801

Young actor's love [ The Adam project] walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now