Part 6

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Walkers POV

Did she just kiss my hand I think I'm gonna pass out

"Ok walker don't scream like a little girl I promise it won't hurt" she said while looking at me as she spread whatever was in that packet and it actually didn't hurt

"Thanks" as all I said as I smiled up at her

"No problem but we should probably go clean now then change" she said as she went to put the first aid kit away

Oh my God I think I'm starting to fall for Kate Reynolds

"Ok schoolbell I'm back so let's go clean" she said as she was walker towards me

Ig nobody's POV

Did I just kiss his hand holy shit Am I starting to like like this boy no no I can't I don't well I guess I'll let time decide

"Walker come on" I said as I took his hand and dragged him out the door since when did I have this much courage?

"DID WE JUST HOLD HANDS AGAIN" walker thought to himself

"Walker can I check that closet for cleaning supplies please" I asked as we walked into the laundry room

"K" he said as he opened the door

5 minutes later


"Ok I think we got everything we should need let's go try to clean quick so we can change and watched Deadpool if we have time" I said really fast

"Ok ok calm down Kate they won't be here for another 2 hours or something we still got time to clean up this mess" walker said as he pointed to the kitchen

"Ok ok your right now let's hurry up"

"I'll clean the kitchen counters and you clean the floor sound good scobell"

"Sound great Miss Reynolds" he said while looking at me

"K here's everything you'll need" I said as I handed him so bottles of stuff that I think will help clean this mess

15 minutes later


"YESS WE ARE" walker screamed back

"K now we should probably change"

"Yeah you got any spear clothes"

"I'm sure I can find something in my dads closet"

"Do you think he'll mind?" Walker questioned

"Nah the dudes a millionaire he'll be fine" I said as I walker to the stairs and felt walker following me

"K you'll have to keep the sweat pants though I don't think my dads pants would fit you" I said and then gasped when i saw-

"WHAT IS IT" walker said when he heard me gasp

"THIS YOU'RE WEARING THIS" I said as I took out an I love dead pool shirt from my dads closet (dam that guy is really obsessed with him self) Kate thought

Walker looked at it with his mouth wide open

"Ok mister scobell the bathroom is right this way" I said as I led him through my bathroom He then entered and after a little while of being on my phone he came out

"Oh my mister Scobell you've never looked better " I said as walker came out and I put my hand on my four head like if I was going to faint

"Why thank you Miss Reynolds" he said as he caught me when I was about to fake faint (would have been awkward if he didn't catch me)

"Why thank you Miss Reynolds" he said as he caught me when I was about to fake faint (would have been awkward if he didn't catch me)

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Something like the first one :)

"Shall we watch Deadpool 2 miss" he said while looking at me

"We shall" I said as I laughed and walker brought me back up

"Ima get the brownies I'll be right back Scobell don't die or do anything stupid while I'm gone" I said sarcastically

"Oh what would I ever do without you Miss Reynolds" walker said sarcastically as he gasped and then we both laughed as I was leaving

Word count 662

(A/N sorry if I haven't been updating been kinda busy but trying to post 2 times a week now Instead of 1 :) <3

Young actor's love [ The Adam project] walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now