Chapter 11

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The next day, Louis slept in until about 11, knowing he wasn't due at the studio until after lunch. They were recording individual interviews today, staggering them throughout the day. He padded downstairs, still naked, feeling pleased to see the chef had been and gone, leaving the plate of warm croissants and pastries Louis had requested. Louis felt pretty pleased with himself that he'd put the breakfast order through at the same time as his dinner order and grabbed one, munching on it idly while his tea was brewing. He stood naked, sipping his tea, feeling bored and wondering how to pass the time before he had to go to the studio. He felt a bit restless and realised he hadn't worked out for about a week, so after he had called the staff line to request James to escort him, he went upstairs to get dressed, pulling on a t-shirt, jogging bottoms, and running shoes. He pulled on a head-band and retied his hair to keep it off his face and went outside to wait for his bodyguard.

A minute or two later, James and another man jogged up, while a third body-guard was driving a car up to his door. Louis raised an eyebrow, confused, until James explained the options available. He could either run laps around the complex, which was pretty dull, or they could run out on Hampstead Heath. Hampstead Heath was only a few minutes' jog away, but they would have to have a car follow them, to keep a little distance between Louis and the paps who would undoubtedly follow in the car. Otherwise, they may well have accidentally run Louis over in their quest to get a decent photo, plus it also meant they could get Louis to safety quickly if anything went wrong. With regards to the paps who would follow him on foot, James and the other bodyguard would flank either side of Louis as he ran and make sure they didn't come too close. Louis agreed and said he'd like to get some proper fresh air and go to Hampstead Heath and get out of the complex.

James also asked if Louis could give them advanced warning the next time he wanted to leave the compound. It had worked out okay today because the interviews were staggered, so there were some of the spare bodyguards on hand, but if the other lads had conflicting appointments or something like that, there would only be James available, which wouldn't be enough. Louis could see the sense in all that, but he was still a little taken aback that so much planning and effort and security had to go into having a simple run. He'd known the other lads needed bodyguards to go running but had never really considered the logistics of it given that ten years ago he would have laughed at the idea of running for pleasure and had gotten most of his, admittedly little, exercise from kick-abouts and the occasional gym session when Liam roped him into going.

But, heartbroken and alone since the band's breakup, he needed something to channel his rage and pain into.One day, he'd just grabbed his keys and ran, trying desperately to outrun the past and the pain. It had worked for Louis by giving him brief moments of respite. While his lungs were bursting, his legs ached, and the sweat ran off him in rivulets, he no longer thought about anything other than trying to get more oxygen into his lungs. It made him feel free and powerful, and he'd kept up the habit since.

He nodded to James and the other bodyguard, whose name he learnt was Chris, who signalled for the driver to start the car and drive through the gates, stopping in front of the paps' vehicles and waiting for Louis. Louis took a deep breath and jogged down the long drive, turning a corner around a batch of trees and then into sight of the paparazzi and fans lining the entrance way, waiting expectantly for the parked car that had come through seconds before. As they caught sight of him, the fans started screaming and the cameras started flashing. Louis waved and smiled, slowing slightly for the fans' benefit as he jogged through the gates, only to speed up as they cleared them. Some of the fans and paparazzi followed him on foot, and he could hear cars behind him starting their engines, but he forced himself to block everything out and focus on his breathing and the steady pound of his feet on the pavement.

Within a few minutes, they'd arrived at Hampstead Heath, and Louis laughed out loud as he ran, appreciating the views and stunning greenery. He felt light and free, and so alive. After about ten minutes, he realised it was just him and the bouncers. Having outrun his followers, he allowed himself to slow a little, James and Chris pulling their pace back naturally to meet his. They jogged in a loop for about 30 minutes more before they reached their starting point and jogged back on the road to head home. Some of the paps had also been waiting for them to return, and they followed Louis back to the complex. Minutes later, they arrived at the gates, and Louis stopped to sign a few autographs for the waiting fans, apologising for his post-run sweatiness, before jogging slowly through the gates back up to his house, eventually slowing to a walk as the sounds of the fans' screams faded.

Louis greedily drank the bottle of water James passed to him, and then started stretching to warm down. He'd learned the hard way how painful it was in the days after a run if he didn't warm down properly, so he made sure he stretched every muscle he could thoroughly and massaged them with his hands. After completing his warm-down, he headed inside and had a long hot shower. He washed the sweat off his body and out of his hair, briefly considering having a wank in the shower but deciding against it. He dried himself off and dressed in one of his new outfits, teasing his hair and leaving it down to air dry. He headed downstairs as he heard someone knocking at the door and opened it to see Melanie outside. He waved her in and she set about making tea while Louis made himself some marmite on toast for his lunch.

Louis felt relaxed and happy after his run; it had replaced all the nervous energy with lovely endorphins and he felt energised. Melanie debriefed him on the press response to his interview and meet and greet the day before as he ate. He echoed the sentiments he'd seen on twitter from the fans, which was a relief that the papers had been saying positive things too. She also let him know she'd requested the Twitter account, but it could take a few days for Twitter to verify it and get it all set up. After finishing his tea and toast and leaving the empty dishes in the sink, they headed out to the car waiting outside. They chatted light-heartedly as they drove to the studio, where there was a huge crowd of fans screaming outside. Louis asked if they had time to sign some autographs before they went in, and Melanie nodded in agreement. Louis stepped out of the car, waving at the fans whose screaming increased tenfold as they pushed closer against the barriers in desperation to see and touch him. Louis followed the line down the barriers, interacting with as many fans as he could before James pulled him away and inside the studio.

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