Chapter 47

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Three months later they were at the O2 in London, preparing for their last show. The month of rehearsals in Ireland had flashed by; each day devoted to singing lessons, choreography, writing and recording; their evenings and weekends spent chilling with the guys and Perrie; their days off spent at Niall's, hanging out with Samantha and the kids. The tour had gone amazingly well so far, exceeding all expectations, the buzz of the fans and being on stage creating a feeling of euphoria, better than any high Louis had ever experienced. They had announced a world tour, and the new album was to be released in a few weeks.

They'd spent their days off between shows at Harry's, well their home now. Louis had moved in when they got back from Ireland and had quickly adjusted to London life, popping up north to see their families every few weeks. Louis couldn't believe how much his life had changed in the space of a few short months, that everything in his life was now centred around the curly-haired man that he loved. They were so in sync, neither willing to let the small annoyances of every day overwhelm their love for one another. Any arguments were quickly forgiven, kisses containing mumbled apologies exchanged within minutes. Louis had never been happier and tonight, he was going to ask for it to be forever.

He knew that it was too quick. They'd only been together four months, living together officially for two, although they hadn't spent a night apart in all the time they'd been together. But Louis knew, he knew there would never be anyone else for him and that they were perfect for each other. He also knew Harry would say yes, but that didn't stop the twisting of his stomach or the tremor of his fingers as he checked his pockets again, the pads of his fingertips curving over the smooth cold metal. He fished in his other pocket, pulling out his phone to send a quick message, confirming everything was ready, before Melanie popped her head around the door and told him they had 5 minutes until stage time.

Louis stood up and straightened his shirt, giving himself a quick once over before pulling the other lads into a hug. Zayn grinned and winked at Louis as Harry moved away from the group hug to hold Louis, rubbing his back soothingly, "Are you sure you're okay love, you've been twitchy all day." Louis murmured back with a roll of his eyes, "I'm fine Haz, I've already told you, I'm just a bit nervous about it being our last show, and that this is being filmed. I just want it to be perfect". Harry clucked and pulled Louis closer, kissing him and reassuring him, "You will be perfect babe, you are perfect". Louis smiled into Harry's shoulder, glad that Harry had bought his lies but uncomfortable at the fibs he'd been telling Harry all day.

The stage manager knocked on the door and led them to the stage. The roar of the crowd was already at a fever-pitch; rising impossibly higher as they went on stage, screams ringing in their ears. The set passed in a blur of songs, Louis sweaty with the beat of the music drumming in his veins, euphoria in his heart. He hit all his solos perfectly, occasionally stealing kisses from Harry in between songs when they went for water bottles to the delighted screeches of the crowd. All in all it was the best gig they'd ever done, his nerves crept back in for the encore, casting desperate glances at the lads while they waited to go back on, the guys in the band throwing him discrete thumbs up.

Louis quickly palmed his pocket to check the ring was still there and breathed a sigh of relief when he felt the now familiar outline. They headed back on stage, the crowd clapping and shouting at their return, as they got into position. Louis held his hand up calling for silence, waiting a few seconds until the noise died down. Once the room was sufficiently quiet he spoke into his mic, "Thank you so much for coming guys. Your support means the world to us, especially after all this time and what we've been through. Right now though, I've got something important I'd like to say". Louis could feel Harry looking confusedly at him and he swallowed before he continued, "And to help me do that, I'd like to bring on an old friend of ours, Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr Ed Sheeran."

Harry's face was a picture as they crowd screamed and the band started playing the opening lines, Ed emerging on stage with a huge smile as Zayn started,"When your legs don't work like they used to before, And I can't sweep you off of your feet". Ed reached the lads, dropping an arm around Louis with a huge smile before leaning into Louis' mic and singing the next lines, "Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love? Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?"

Louis took a deep breath before heading into the second verse, looking deep into Harry's eyes and singing, "And, darling, I will be loving you 'til we're 70, And, baby, my heart could still fall as hard at 18"; editing the lines slightly to fit in with their relationship. He sang the whole second verse to Harry as he walked up to him and reached out for his hand. Harry's confused face had turned into an embarrassed and delighted smile, splitting his face impossibly wide. Louis was quite sure it was the best thing he'd ever seen.

Louis smiled and passed his microphone to Niall, whose eyes were already filling up with tears; the lads and Ed continuing with the song, picking up the chorus. He took Harry's hands in both of his and spoke over the music, the song drowning out his words to all but the two of them. "Harry I have loved you since I was eighteen, whether or not I knew it. The last few months have been the happiest of my life, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I can't imagine anything better than waking up next to you forever and it would be the greatest honour if you would allow me to spend the rest of my life trying to make you as happy as you make me".

Dropping to one knee and pulling out the ring, barely aware of the crowd screaming and Ed and the boys singing, "Maybe we found love right where we are" in the background he asked simply, "Will you marry me, Harry?" Harry's green eyes overflowed with tears as he nodded happily and croaked out, "Yes, yes, Of course I'll marry you".

Louis let his own tears flow as he stood and pushed the ring onto Harry's fingers with shaking hands. Harry swooped down to capture his lips in a bruising kiss, winding their arms around each other, tears still tracking down their cheeks as they consummated their engagement with a passionate kiss. A few moments later, the lads and Ed all bounded onto them, knocking them over into a bundle of arms and legs, all hugging whatever and whose-ever body parts they could reach and they became aware of the crowd going wild around them.

They finished their encore hand in hand, bowing to the crowd before they all hopped, skipped and ran offstage, jumping around like children with euphoric whoops. They were surrounded by the crew offering congratulations and excited chatter before Anne swept in, pushing Jay's chair, Robin, Gemma and all Louis' siblings following. Harry screamed with joy, "Mum, Gem, what are you doing here?" Anne grinned and winked, "As if I'd miss your engagement, love". Harry hugged his family while Louis hugged his own, before swapping and hugging each other's.

They partied into the night back at their flat, all the band, family and crew invited. It wasn't until much later, the last stragglers leaving, that they had a moment to themselves. The moment the door closed on the last guest, Harry's lips were on Louis', kissing him with all the passion inside him and tugging him to the bedroom. Harry breathed, "I can't believe you did all that, for me", and Louis replied, "I'd do anything for you babe". Harry exhaled, "I love you so much Louis" before pulling away.

Louis looked at him quizzically as Harry dashed to his bedside drawer and rummaged through before pulling out a small black box. He smirked as he handed it to Louis, "I had planned to ask you next weekend, but it seems you've beat me to it, and there's no way I can top your proposal". Louis flicked open the lid of the box to see a simple ring with an inlaid blue stone, very similar to the ring with an inlaid green stone, now on Harry's ring finger. He looked up at Harry as Harry murmured, "Don't suppose you fancy marrying me, do you?" Louis laughed delightedly and nodded, murmuring lovingly, "There's nothing I'd rather do", before meeting Harry in a tender kiss.

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