Chapter 35

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Louis mentioned the two week break to Harry and they discussed their options, deciding to take a trip home, to see each other's families, and then maybe see if they could get away for the second week, somewhere private and hot. Louis turned his phone on and fired off a text to Melanie, letting her know what they'd decided they'd like to do in the break. He read the reply a few minutes later, confirming that was fine and she'd arrange everything. A while later, they got a call to say the picnic was set up and they got up from the sofa, firing off a text to the lads to let them know everything was ready for them.

Harry put on a light jumper while Louis pulled on an Adidas sweatshirt and changed his baggy jogging bottoms for a pair of jeans. They slid their socked feet into shoes and headed outside, going around the side of their house to the large expanse of grass behind the row of houses. Louis let out an impressed whistle when he saw what the staff had done, having arranged picnic tables, blankets and an enormous spread laid out for the group including sandwiches, crisps, sausage rolls, salad and loads more.

A few minutes later Zayn and Perrie arrived, hand in hand and beaming at Harry & Louis. They exchanged hugs, Perrie whispering, "I'm so happy for you, love", into Louis' ear as they embraced. The four of them chatted for a few minutes, Louis keen to catch up with Perrie properly before the others arrived. Perrie was still gorgeous, older, but still with a cheeky grin and high cheekbones. She looked stylishly relaxed, wearing a maxi-dress with a cardigan and her blonde hair in a top knot, with thick black lashes and red lips. Louis told her sincerely, "You look great Pez, the years have been very kind".

She pushed his shoulder impishly and said, "Shush love, before my husband finds out about our affair", and they bantered for a while about their fictitious affair, an old in-joke between them from the days of the band. Zayn and Harry grinned at each other at the back-and-forth, sharing amused glances at how quickly things were back to normal between the pair before Zayn smirked, "Dream on mate, as if she would stoop so low", earning a mock offended glare from Louis before his scowl cracked and he burst into laughter. They began reminiscing about old times and what she'd been up to since Little Mix fizzled out, falling quickly back into their easy friendship and banter.

They were interrupted by Liam calling and waving as he came into view, from the side of his house. He had his arm wrapped loosely around a tall slender woman, leading her to the group. Louis recognised her from the photos he'd seen of them at a movie premiere when he'd looked up the band with Emma, but he wasn't quite prepared for how naturally beautiful she was up close. She had long curly auburn hair, deep green eyes and large freckle just above her lip. She was dressed casually, in jeans and a jumper, with just a hint of mascara and lip balm. Liam nudged her forward slightly as he introduced her with a grin, obviously proud of his fiancé, "Harry, Louis, this is my beautiful fiancé Layla". Layla blushed slightly, her pale cheeks turning rosy as she held out a hand to Harry and Louis in turn, Harry told her he'd seen quite a lot of her films and he was a big fan of hers, causing her to blush further as they chatted about some of her movies.

Louis felt slightly awkward, having not seen any of Layla's movies he couldn't really contribute to the discussion and he was relieved as he saw Aidan running towards him shouting, "Louis!", with a big smile. He crouched to wrap Aidan up in a huge hug, Sean following a few seconds after, his shorter legs unable to keep up with his older brother. Louis playfully ruffled the boys' blonde hair and asked "How are my favourite little guys doing?" They excitedly told them about the games they'd been playing that morning before Liam cleared his throat and said indignantly, "Oi, where are my cuddles?" The little boys turned and screamed, "UNCLE LIAM!", before starting to climb up Liam's legs. Liam bent down to hold one in each arm and groaned loudly under the weight. "When did you two get so big, huh? Have you grown since yesterday?," teasing the boys as they giggled and shook their heads.

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