Chapter 25

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Please note: From here on in, there is A LOT of smut. There is still a fair amount of plot left, but there is a hell of a lot of smut, so there will be no smut warnings at the beginning of each chapter. If you have been skipping the smut parts in other chapters of this book, I suggest that you don't continue reading this book :)

They lay tangled on the floor laughing for a moment before Harry spread his legs to rest on the floor and pushed up on his elbows, giving Louis an affectionate kiss on the tip of his nose and leaning back on his heels, straddling Louis. Louis let out a gasp as Harry sat on his still hard cock and strained out, "This is not going to help calm me down". Harry giggled, unable to resist slightly grinding his arse into Louis' crotch before standing up, pulling the stained t-shirt back on and holding out a hand to help Louis up off the floor. They sat on the sofa, both with wide-eyed slightly dopey expressions on their faces before Harry cleared his throat and said, "Right, um tea, tea would be good". Louis nodded, agreeing they should probably cool off and talk things through although his body hummed with need and lust for the curly haired man.

Harry made the tea while Louis tried to centre himself, tried to calm the desire coursing through his veins. By the time the tea had been made and they were back on the couch he had managed to get a grip on himself. Harry was obviously full of questions and Louis was relieved when he didn't ask them all at once, starting by asked softly, "Is this really what you want?" Louis nodded fervently and keened out, "So much Hazza, it's all I've been thinking about, can't help myself just want to touch you all the time". Harry smiled and asked curiously, "How long have you been thinking about this?" Louis replied wryly "Consciously... since after you left yesterday. Subconsciously... I guess since we met in the X-factor bathroom fifteen years ago". Harry let out a surprised laugh and teased, "My god Lou, you only managed to last one day before cracking, you really are desperate for me".

Harry expected Louis to banter back, but instead he just flushed and hung his head in an admission of guilt. Harry was a bit taken aback by that and didn't really know how to respond, shelving his sudden desire to see Louis meek, to see how far that blush travelled down Louis' tanned chest, to see which of his tattoos it reached, for another time. Harry shook his head to clear his lusty thoughts and beseeched Louis, "Tell me how you feel, love".

Louis took a deep breath and told Harry how, for years, he had been in denial about how he felt about Harry, and it had taken his mum informing him that he was in love with Harry for him to realise. He explained how he'd felt the last few days; the heart-ache at thinking Harry was over him and it was too late; how shit it was to have been so fucking oblivious for so long; how this all could have been avoided if Louis wasn't so fucking stupid. Sensing Louis was going to go on a long rant about his faults and insecurities Harry leaned over and cupped Louis' cheeks with his hands, shutting him up with a gentle and chaste kiss on the lips. Louis leaned in, trying to deepen the kiss but Harry moved away.

Louis let out a little whine before blushing and saying, "God, you make me fucking feel I'm like a randy teenager again. How do you stay all calm and shit when I'm falling apart?" Harry smirked fondly at Louis before saying simply, "Practice". Harry took Louis' hand and held it in his own as he continued, trying to find the right words, "I've been in love with you for so long, and I'd accepted this would never happen that I just got really used to hiding it, to controlling my lust for you. It's going to take me a little while to get used to this all being real y'know?" Louis nodded and said softly, "It's going to take some time for me too."

Louis stuttered out embarrassedly making it sound more like a question, his cheeks flaming red, "I'm... um... I'm... um... new... um... to... um... this...?" Harry's breath caught in his throat as he realised Louis was an anal virgin, and fuck that was hot. Before Harry could rationalise that they probably should talk some more, he was pulling Louis off his feet mumbling, "Gonna make it so good for you babe" into Louis' mouth as he kissed him, fumbling awkwardly up the stairs to Louis' bedroom.

They pulled each other's t-shirts off and joggers off, leaving their boxers on for the moment, Harry trying to be mindful, despite his lust, that they should take it slow. They laid on the bed, Harry straddling the smaller man, breathing heavily at each other, cocks already half hard at the kiss. Harry looked down lovingly at Louis and whispered, "Let me know if you want me to stop", before kissing a trail down Louis' neck and onto his chest. His lips burned a path through Louis' chest hair, over his tattoos, glossing over his hard nipples with a warm breath, biting, sucking, licking and kissing as he explored Louis' dark torso. Louis whined and arched his back, fists clenched by his side at Harry's ministrations. It was too much and not enough at the same time. Louis' whole body felt like he was on fire and his cock was aching in his boxers, leaving a damp patch where the head was leaking on the soft material. Harry looked up with hooded eyes at Louis, pausing to let Louis catch a breath before Louis let out a garbled, "More... please... more..." Harry obliged, continuing his explorations agonisingly slowly as Louis fell apart beneath him.

When he had finished with Louis' chest and abdomen and traced his lips over the new tattoos on Louis' arms, Harry breathed hot air over Louis' boxers as he passed over them, and then started tugging them down, Louis lifting his hips almost comically high in his eagerness to help. Harry tossed the boxers on the floor, exhaling a hot breath over Louis' cock, which was so hard and red it was almost purple, before settling his mouth on Louis' thighs. Louis let out a frustrated whimper as he realised he was not going to get relief but didn't move to touch himself and Harry murmured through his kisses, "Good boy".

Louis felt a jolt of desire through him at the praise and shuddered before going soft and pliant, his insides turning to mush. Once Harry was satisfied that Louis' thighs had been thoroughly bitten and kissed, Harry inched his mouth up and nuzzled his nose against Louis' tight balls. He forced himself to control himself, to make this good for Louis, but by god it was hard not to come in his pants untouched when Louis whined, "Please, Harry, please, god, Harry, Harry".

Taking pity on Louis, Harry licked a stripe up from Louis' balls to the tip on his cock where pre-cum was pooling, making a note of the high keening sound that must have come from Louis before immediately dipping down to engulf Louis' cock deep into his mouth, hollowing his cheekbones as he sucked and swallowed Louis' dick, flicking his tongue across the slit on the top. Louis could hear his blood rushing in his ears, he had never felt more stimulated and turned on in his life and within thirty seconds of Harry sucking his prick he tangled his fingers in Harry's curls, threw his head back as his spine arched, toes curling and moaning as he released into Harry's mouth, Harry's name brokenly on his lips as he came. Harry followed a few seconds later, untouched and still in his boxers as Louis' come filled his mouth.

Harry pulled off his boxers and used them to wipe away the mess he'd made on himself before he slid his way back up Louis' body and laid to the side of him, Louis lay there flushed and dazed from his orgasm, his body covered in a film of sweat and dried saliva, as Harry peppered his face with small kisses. Louis felt foggy and light as he looked at Harry in his post-orgasmic haze and said weakly, "wow, that was, wow". Harry smiled crookedly, still a little high from the encounter himself and said fondly, "It really was". Harry pulled Louis into him and said tightly, "I love you", his face splitting into a wide smile as Louis murmured back contentedly, "I love you too". They lay there cuddling for a while before they started to stick to each other and Harry sighed, not wanting to break apart but knowing they needed to, "C'mon babe, shower time". Louis grumbled but followed Harry to the bathroom, staring at the tall man's pert arse in front of him, his cock fattening slightly at the view despite how recently he had orgasmed.

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