Chapter 33

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It was dark outside when the boys woke, curled around each other, sticky but sated. Louis felt a little fuzzy from before and insecure about how he had responded to Harry's words and touch. He was worried what Harry thought of him, scared that he'd disgusted Harry with his needs, how much he'd loved the way Harry had dominated him. He began to relax as Harry pressed kisses into his neck, figuring that if it was that much of an issue for Harry, he would have left by then. Still a little apprehensive he turned to face Harry, who drew him in for a long and sensual kiss, leaving Louis breathless with his insides liquefying at the way Harry's tongue caressed his own. He broke the kiss to question nervously "Harry, was...?", cut off by Harry, almost as if he had read his mind whispering lovingly, "You were perfect Lou". Louis blushed, the pink spreading from his cheeks to his chest as Harry continued, "God Lou, you turn me on so much, I love it when you fall apart. It just makes me want to destroy you".

Louis pushed away his fears to give Harry a cheeky smile saying, "You can destroy me anytime", lowering his voice to add in a sensual whisper ,"Daddy". Louis giggled as Harry groaned with lust, before capturing his lips and shutting him up. Reluctantly after a few minutes of snogging, Louis pulled away, unable to ignore his full bladder and ravenous stomach both vying for relief. They got up, but Louis couldn't stop touching Harry at every opportunity; brushing past him on his way back from the bathroom; kissing Harry as he tried to pull on socks; running his hands over Harry's chest as Harry pulled on a pair of sweats; hand in hand as they walked downstairs. Once downstairs Louis made tea while Harry ordered some food, and they chilled on the sofa, chatting as the chef arrived and prepared their dinner.

As they ate their meal, they planned what they wanted to do tomorrow, deciding to maybe have a run and hang out with the guys if they were free. When they had filled their stomachs, they curled up in front of a film with a beer each and mostly just chatted, ignoring the movie. When the film ended they decided to head upstairs for an early night, despite having napped already. Harry whispered in Louis' ear, "If we go up now, we'll have time to have some fun in the shower before bed!" Louis was off of the sofa like a shot, already half hard as he ran up the stairs eagerly, Harry laughing and fondly calling him a slut as he saw his boy's eagerness.

Louis turned on the shower, leaving the water to heat up as he waited for Harry to follow him upstairs, quickly divesting himself of his clothes. Goose-pimples trailed across his body in anticipation as he stood, hard and waiting for Harry. Harry entered the room a minute or so later, by which time Louis was aching with desire and losing his patience. Harry stood still for a moment, drawing in a quick breath at the sight of Louis, petite and perfect, hard and needy for him. Golden skin, covered in black ink, brown hair dusted over his body with thick patches on his chest and above his cock, his meaty length protruding from his body. All Harry wanted to do was worship Louis, spend hours exploring every part of him, his muscular calves and his thick but strong thighs. The way his abs fluttered when he was close, the ripples of muscles across his back, strong arms with defined biceps and oh God, that arse. Harry could worship Louis' arse for hours, and he decided that is what he would do tonight.

Harry pulled his t-shirt over his head and pushed his joggers and boxers down in one smooth motion, using his other foot to step on the toe of each sock as he pulled his feet out of his socks and trousers, leaving him naked in front of Louis, his cock hardening at Louis' lustful stare. Harry held out a large hand to Louis and led him into the bathroom, the air thick with steam from the shower. They slid under the hot spray, soaping each other's chests as they kissed, Louis spending a little longer than was necessary on Harry's butterfly tattoo that he loved so much, their soapy cocks bobbing against each other. Louis smoothed a bit of soap off of Harry's clavicle before nipping at Harry collar bone, trailing kisses along his neck and sucking lightly on his Adam's apple, eliciting a throaty moan from Harry.

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