Chapter 32

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Louis cuddled up to Harry on the drive home, relieved that Liam had decided to ride with the other lads so that it was just them. Both exhausted, they ate the lunch the chef had prepared for their return before heading upstairs for a nap, Harry spooning him and whispering that he loved him as he drifted off to sleep. Hey woke up an hour or so later and they lay next to each other, cuddling and chatting. Louis' mouth suddenly went dry as Harry asked him gently, "You'd tell me, if there was anything you wanted right? In bed, I mean?" He quickly nodded and blushed, before Harry raised an eyebrow and continued, "It's just that when I say certain things, or talk in a certain way, you have an interesting response". Louis blushed even further and squeaked out, "I, I don't know what you mean?" Louis' cheeks were on fire with embarrassment as Harry said lowly, "Like when I call you princess". Louis nearly fainted when he heard those words and to his dismay he felt his cock twitch and his shame deepened, knowing that Harry had felt it against his leg.

Louis tried to calm himself and mumbled, "I just like it when you're nice to me", desperate for this conversation to end before Harry found out his secret desires. Louis wanted to die when Harry let out a low chuckle and drawled, "I don't think that's the whole story love, because I think you also like it when I call you a greedy slut". Louis looked at him in horror, his crimson cheeks and semi-hard cock testament to the effects of Harry's words. Harry continued, "You can ask me if there's something you want darling". Harry then paused and nonchalantly asked slyly, "Unless of course, I've got it completely wrong and you'd like me to never say any of those things?"

Louis tried to breathe as he thought for a moment about what he wanted; nervous of what Harry would think of him if he asked for it. He eventually decided he could trust Harry not to laugh at him and he blushed and mumbled all in a rush, his voice cracking in his mortification, "Could you use your fingers, and um, maybe, um, be in control or something, maybe?" Harry peppered kisses over Louis' beet-red cheeks as he trailed a hand down Louis' back to grab the meatiness of his arse, before dipping a dry finger into the cleft between his cheeks. Louis felt the large, dry finger press against his hole, as Harry asked, his low and slow voice rumbling, "You want my fingers in here?"

Louis nodded dumbly, his mouth suddenly dry at the touch of Harry's finger, at the idea of Harry's long fingers inside him. A shiver of desire ran through him at Harry's dark chuckle, "I need your words please, I need you to be a good boy for me." Harry rolled Louis onto his front as he managed to stutter out, "Yes, please, want fingers, in there, in my arse". Louis nodded shyly as Harry asked, "Have you had fingers in your arse before?" Harry reminded sternly, "Words Louis" and Louis keened as he heard a slapping noise and felt a burning sensation on his arse, his cock jumping as he realised with shock and delight Harry had just lightly spanked him.

Louis gabbled out quickly, "Yes Harry, sorry, an ex's, and my own". He felt slightly relieved, and disappointed when Harry massaged his spanked cheek instead of spanking him again. Louis trembled with arousal as Harry murmured lowly, "Your own fingers? Have you been putting your own fingers up there like a naughty little boy?", adding with a growl, "Like a slut". Louis moaned out "Yes", embarrassedly. He was quaking with need and desperately turned on before Harry had even touched him properly.

And god, he got even harder, leaking from his tip as Harry asked sternly, "Yes what, Louis?" Louis squeaked out, "Yes Sir?" as a question. He felt another spank to his arse and his hips chased forward into the bed, seeking more stimulation as Harry repeated angrily, "Yes what, Louis?". Louis' brain scrambled to try and figure out what it was Harry wanted him to call him, settling on, "Yes Master?", which earned him two more hard spanks to his arse. Louis' head spun from the pain and arousal and he let out a sob, having no idea what Harry wanted from him, but desperately needing to please him.

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