Chapter 24

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Left alone with Harry, Louis suddenly felt nervous again and he stuttered, "You don't have to stay with me, if you don't want to." Harry smiled at him and said softly, "Thanks, but I do, want to stay I mean, unless you want me to leave?" Louis shook his head vehemently and said with a toothy grin, "I'd like you to stay". Harry reached for Louis' hand, marveling at how well it fit in his larger hand and gave Louis a wide smile in return. They decided to call their managers to check in, Harry heading to the kitchen to call Sally while Louis stayed in the living room. Louis reassured Melanie that he was okay and happy with the edit and Melanie told him they all had a day off tomorrow, then a print interview and photoshoot on Friday. He rang off as Harry walked back in the living room and flopped on the sofa next to him. Harry told him he'd also put an order in for a takeaway curry for dinner for the two of them and Louis was glad, suddenly aware he was pretty hungry.

They relaxed on the sofa, watching two old episodes of South Park before their food arrived. They flicked the TV off and ate on the sofa, feet tucked under themselves as they dug in ravenously. After they'd finished, Harry looked down and swore when he realised he'd spilled curry down his t-shirt, down Louis' t-shirt. He muttered an apology and pulled the t-shirt over his head, exposing his chest as he stood to take the dirty t-shirt to the washing machine, mumbling something about staining although Louis wasn't listening, instead staring hungrily at Harry's bare chest, and fuck, that butterfly tattoo. Harry walked past Louis to get to the kitchen, and Louis reached out as he passed, unable to stop himself. With a shaky breath he traced a finger over Harry's butterfly tattoo, pausing startled when Harry shuddered, literally shuddered, and let out a weak mewl. Harry reached out a hand to enclose Louis' firmly, halting his motion and breathing, "Don't".

Louis flushed and snatched his hand back as if he'd been burnt, scrambling away from Harry to the other side of the sofa and turning his head to the other wall, unable to stop the quiver of his lip and the tears welling as he remembered that Harry didn't want him to touch him like that, that Harry didn't feel the same way, that Harry didn't love him anymore.

Harry reached out and said, "Come back to me love, I'm sorry". Louis turned his face to look at him, unshed tears filling his eyes as Harry continued wretchedly, trying to find the right words to explain, "It's not that I don't... fuck, it's just too much... Being here with you, you touching me like that, I just can't". Louis nodded numbly, instantly vulnerable and self-conscious, pulling his knees to his chest to somehow shield himself, albeit ineffectively. Harry let out a frustrated moan and tried to explain again, seeing that Louis still had the wrong idea, "I just can't do this with you, knowing that it means different things to the two of us". Louis tried to bite back a sob at the realisation that Harry knew, Harry knows Louis is in love with him and he's trying to tell him he doesn't feel the same way.

Harry realised he'd said the wrong thing again and tried desperately once more to make it better. He dropped the t-shirt and was next to Louis on the sofa, grabbing him and pulling him into his bare chest as he tried to find the right words to explain. "I'm sorry, I know you don't feel the same way about me, I know I said I was over you, I thought I was, but fuck, the last few days of being around you, all those feelings are coming back and I'm more in love with you than ever."

Louis laughed hysterically, madly as Harry continued, "I just don't want to make it weird between us, I want us to be friends but when you touch me like that I can't help myself. It's just too close to what I want, it's just not fair to me". Harry clenched his fists and almost roared with bitterness through Louis' gulping insane laughs, "It's not fucking fair". Harry was so angry and frustrated at Louis laughing after he bared his soul he shouted, "WHY THE FUCK ARE LAUGHING AT ME".

Louis looked up at Harry, the love of his life. He cupped his small hands around Harry's cheeks and grinned, "Because we are two of the stupidest, most oblivious people I have ever known, now kiss me you fool". Harry's eyes widened, looking like a rabbit caught in headlights and froze. Seeing Harry was struck dumb, Louis took the initiative and leant up, pressing his lips to Harry's.

Harry stayed still for a second or two until his brain gave up trying to work out what the fuck was going on and he gave in to the kiss, tilting his head down to Louis, and bringing his arms up and around Louis. Louis licked at Harry's lips, asking for entrance and Harry obliged, their tongues dancing and swirling around each other as they met. They somehow ended up lying down on the sofa, exploring every inch of each other's mouths, taking a little while to find the right tempo and angle before getting it perfect. Time seemed to stand still as they kissed, throwing all of their emotions into the kiss, hands fluttering over each other's backs, fists tangling in long hair until eventually they moved away from each other, breathless and lips bruised.

They stared at each other in awe until Harry tentatively asked, "Does that mean..." trailing off, not brave enough to finish the question, despite what had just happened. Louis grinned wryly at him and said, "I'm head over heels for you Harry. I'm completely gone for you, and if I was less of a twat I would have realised sooner, because it's always been you". Harry couldn't wipe the smile off his face as he took Louis' smaller hands in his, face to face gazing into each other's eyes with inane grins until Harry closed the distance between them and kissed Louis again. They hit their stride immediately, as if they'd been kissing for years and Louis had never felt so right as he did in this moment, chest to chest with Harry, realising belatedly that he was hard. Louis hadn't got hard from kissing since he was a teenager and he instinctively pressed his crotch against Harry to try to get some friction. Louis moaned into Harry's mouth when he felt Harry's hard cock through his joggers and their erections rubbed against one another as they kissed.

Harry stopped kissing Louis, inching away and placing a hand on Louis' chest to stop him when Louis tried to chase his mouth and body. Harry murmured in explanation of the interruption, "Wait, I think we should talk before we go any further". Louis nodded and tried to clear the lust induced fog in his brain, which was pretty difficult being so close to a topless Harry and the throbbing in his boxers.

Louis suggested regretfully, "Perhaps you should put a shirt on, it might make me a little less distracted." Harry smirked at him "Can't concentrate when I'm topless huh? You really do have it bad". Louis snorted and bantered back, "Nope, I'm just disgusted by your grossness and it's making me feel queasy". Harry laughed delightedly and pushed Louis, accidentally pushing him off the sofa and they roared with laughter as Louis landed with a thump on the floor, Harry following a few seconds later having forgotten that his other hand and his legs were entwined with Louis.

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