Chapter 42

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They got home and ate lunch, the whole group popping by Niall's briefly to give him, Samantha and the boys a quick hug before they left. Harry and Louis said goodbye to Liam, Layla, Zayn and Perrie too, with promises to keep in touch over the two week break. They relaxed back at theirs for the afternoon, chilling out and answering their text messages from the people they hadn't contacted. Louis loaded Twitter and looked at his mentions tweeting,'Thanks for the support, words can't express how much it means to us'.

He quickly checked google to make sure he got the wording exactly right, before typing out another tweet and hitting send, 'Always in my heart @Harry_Styles . Yours sincerely, Louis'. Harry looked at his phone with a huge grin as he read the tweet, immediately replying,'@Louis_Tomlinson And you in mine, forever and always, Love Harry'.

They grinned at each other while Twitter exploded, kissing hungrily before Louis checked the time and told Harry to get dressed in something smart. Harry looked at him quizzically, asking, "Why? Are we going somewhere?" Louis nodded and said "Yes, but it's a surprise love". They headed upstairs and showered, leaving their hair as it was, already styled nicely from the interview. Harry put on a moss green shirt with a black suit with pointed smart shoes. Louis put on a white shirt with a navy suit and smart shoes, both leaving the top two buttons undone and not bothering with a tie. Louis rubbed beard oil into his beard while Harry moisturised and they left their long hair down.

Louis took Harry's hand in his as they walked downstairs, opening the door to find a car parked outside. Louis held the door open for Harry, saying gallantly, "Our carriage awaits". Harry's eyes crinkled as he smiled fondly at Louis. They chatted on the drive, Harry telling Louis he didn't need to do all this and Louis shushing him and telling him that he wanted to take Harry out on a proper first date. They pulled up outside a smart red-brick building in Mayfair, just round the corner from Hyde Park. They got out of the car, the bodyguard following Louis as he ran around to open Harry's door for him. The paps that had followed them managed to snap a few pictures of them entering the restaurant and called for a statement, but James and Chris held them off.

They walked in the restaurant to be greeted by the maître d', smoothly saying in French-accented English, "Welcome to Le Gavroche gentlemen, It is a pleasure to have you here. If I may take you to your table please", leading them into a private dining room. They arrived in the private room, relieved to be out of the way of the restaurant diners' curious glances and whispers.

There was a knock on the door before it opened and Michel Roux Jr walked into the room. The maître d' introduced the famous Chef du Patron and Louis and Harry shook Michel's hand, Harry shooting Louis an impressed look as they chatted to Michel, before he excused himself to finish preparing their meal. The maître d' sat them down around the table, and poured them each a glass of wine, stating, "We have prepared an exclusive tasting menu for you tonight, paired with wines our sommelier has selected especially for you. If there is anything at all I can help with, please let me know".

Harry and Louis relaxed and chatted as they ate plate after plate of exquisite gourmet food and drank expensive and rich wine. The maître d' was attentive and explained each dish as it arrived, checking if they needed anything between each course before retreating to allow them to dine in privacy. They ate seven small courses in total, each more delicious than the last, leaving them comfortably full and ever so slightly tipsy. At one point, Harry leaning forward to lick a small droplet of wine resting in Louis' beard and giggling. Michel Roux Jr came to say goodbye before they left, and they thanked them profusely for the wonderful meal, shaking both the maître d' and Michel's hands.

They left through the restaurant, Chris and James already waiting at the entrance as they were escorted out, this time through a swarm of paparazzi. Harry curled protectively around Louis pushing him into the waiting car before getting in himself. Louis apologised once they were driving, and Harry looked at him fondly before telling him he had nothing to apologise for and he had just had the most amazing date imaginable. He kissed Louis hungrily, still tasting the slight residue of wine and chocolate in his lovers' mouth before pulling away and drawing Louis into his side, sitting comfortably with an arm around him as they sped through London.

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